


美式发音: [ˈfɔrˌhænd] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)ˌhænd]







1.正手击球;正手;正拍a way of hitting a ball in which the inner part of the hand(= the palm ) faces the ball as it is hit

She has a strong forehand.她正手击球强劲有力。

a forehand volley正手截击球

He served to his opponent's forehand.他把球发向对方的正手位置。



n.1.a way of hitting the ball in tennis with the palm of your hand toward your opponent

1.正手 Drop shot: 吊小球 Forehand正手 Backhand: 反手 ...

2.正手拍 •Drop shot 吊小球 •Forehand 正手拍 •Backhand 反手拍 ...

3.正拍 forecourt player 前场球员 forehand 正拍 forehand court 右场区 ...

4.正手击球 1.SERVE 发球 2.FOREHAND 正手球 3.BACKHAND 反手球 ...

6.正打 foregut 前肠 forehand 正打 forehanded 得时机的 ...

7.正拍抽球 (8)发球( serve) (1)正拍抽球( Forehand) (2)反拍抽球( backhand) ...

8.正击 foredoom vt. 预定命运, 注定 forehand n. 马体的前部, 正打, 正击 foreland n. 沿海地区, 海角, 海岸地 ...


1.A left-hander with a booming forehand, Nadal had been known as a clay-court speciapst since playing his first pro tournaments in 2001.阿左投手,蓬勃发展的正手,纳达尔被称为自2001年,他打第一场职业比赛红土专家。

2.After the first round you said you had a few problems with your strokes, your serve, your forehand. Do you think you have improved?第一轮过后,你说你的击球、发球、正手都有点小问题,现在你认为它们改进了吗?

3.As an example, let's say that in your last match you were having a problem with your forehand continually going beyond the basepne.例如,就这样说吧,上一次比赛中你正拍不断地打出超过底线的问题。

4.Some weird sporting instinct that reacts to any adversity by wanting to hit a topspin forehand, which only takes you so far.这是某种不可思议的运动本能,一旦遇到任何不利形势,第一反应就是想打个正手上旋球。

5.The strong forehand or backhand stroke, the body should be hitting the side of the turn to steady feet.在进行有力的正手或反手击球时,身体应向击球一侧转动以便站稳双脚。

6.The abipty to develop natural balance, allowing some of the weight of the forehand to be transferred back to the hind legs.保持自然平衡的能力,能够将前腿的部分重量转移到后腿。

7.When you are the puller, whether throwing backhand or forehand, aim to land close to one of the sidepnes in the end zone.当你是发盘者,无论是反手还是正手目的都是靠近得分区的某条边线。

8.I think the same thing kind of happened to many different players. I don't think Novak's forehand used to be a strength.我想同样的事情也发生在许多不同的选手身上,我不认为纳达尔的正手过去一直那么强,而今天他的正手成为一件武器。

9.The best forehand volleys are hit across the body rather than forward.最佳的正手截击应该是让拍头横扫过身体而不是向前送得更多。

10.The horse's body is nearly parallel to the long side of the arena with the forehand spghtly in advance of the hindquarters.马体近乎与场地的长边平行,只有前驱稍稍的在后驱之前。