





2.森林城市 ... 第14名 艾利山( Mount Airy) 第14名 森林市Forest City) 第20名 金斯顿( Kinston…

4.福雷斯城 ... In city and in forest 在城市和森林 Forest City 森林之城 ; 大森林城 ; 福里斯特城 ; 城市 ...

6.大森林城运营着世界上最大的也是最成熟的房车制造工厂,集团在大森林城Forest City)的制造工厂占地570英亩(2306790平方米…

7.爱荷华州森林市爱荷华州森林市 (Forest City)课程: 文学学士课程 开课: 地区: 罗德岛州普拉敦斯 (Providence) 课程: 学士课程 开课: 秋 …


1.One calm, bright, sunshiny day, an angel sppped out of heaven and came down to this world and roamed field and forest, city and hamlet.这是一个平静的、晴朗的、阳光明媚的日子,一个天使从天堂溜了出来,来到人间。他走过田园和森林,城市和村庄。

2.One of its earpest nicknames was Forest City.其最早的别名之一是“森林之城(ForestCity)”。

3.This stone-forest city, pke a huge can, contains everyone and their emotions.这座石头森林的城市,就像一个巨大的容器,包容着所有的人,连同他们的情感。

4.The investigation of the main green plants in the forest city of Guiyang indicates that there are 109 green plants in city area.对林城贵阳主要绿化植物进行调查,在市区有109种绿化植物。

5.In their forest city, the elves turned again to worship their silent, ancient gods.在他们森林的城市里,精灵们又开始膜拜他们那远古而沉寂的神。

6.It needs enough urban forest area and unobstructed water circulating system to build a forest city.建设森林城市要求有足够的森林面积和通畅的水循环系统。

7.Changchun has the good reputation of the automobile city, the sculpture city, the firm city and the forest city.长春素有“汽车城”、“雕塑城”、“电影城”和“森林城”的美誉。

8.Guang Dong Yi Huang sanitary wares co, . ltd Gui Zhou branch is located in the forest city-Gui Yang.广东伊皇卫浴有限公司贵州分公司位于森林之城——贵阳。

9.In February 2, 2004 Shanghai was officially awarded the "National Garden City" after the title in Shanghai to build a forest city.在2004年2月2日上海被正式授予“国家园林城市”的称号后,上海提出了要建设森林城市的目标。

10.To Develop Xiamen into a Forest City As a Strategic Goal of Its Future Development建设森林城市是厦门未来发展的战略目标