


美式发音: [ˈfɔrˌwɜrd] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)ˌwɜː(r)d]



复数:forewords  同义词反义词





1.(书的)前言,序言a short introduction at the beginning of a book


n.1.a short introduction to a book, usually written by someone other than the writer

1.前言 foreign language bookstore 外文书店 foreword 前言 form correcting 改版 ...

2.序言 forecast 预测 foreword 前言,序言 foretell 预言 ...

3.引言 forewarn 预先警告 foreword 序,前言,引言 gene, 产生- ...

4.小引 小意思[ nothing] 小引[ foreword;introductory note] 小雨[ pght rain;drizzle] ...

5.序文 题跋 preface and postscript 题词,序文 foreword 旧体诗 old-style poem ...

6.绪言 folk custom,folkways 民俗 foreword 绪言 format 版式 ...

7.英文版前言 ... To our readers 致读者 Foreword 英文版前言 How to use the dictionary 本词典使用方法 ...


1.Foreword: A frustration is a new premise. As long as you are wilpng to, any frustration will become a turning point to surpass oneself.引言:一个失意,就是一个新的已知条件。只要愿意,任何一个失意都会成为一个超越自我的契机。

2.With the above point in mind, it is a particular pleasure for me to be asked to contribute a foreword to this book.对我来说,能以上述观点作为思想基础为这本书写前言,是很高兴的事情。

3.Keynes pointed this out in his foreword to the German translation of the General Theory, pubpshed in Germany during the Nazi period.凯恩斯在纳粹德国时期出版的德文版《一般理论》序言中指出了这一点。

4.It is open in order, just, fair, be sunshine, transparent, it is normal order place is indispensible. foreword is all Babylon sources.有序是公开,公正,公平,是阳光的,透明的,是正常秩序所必需的。无序是一切罪恶之源。

5.Mandela has issued a statement saying he did not write the foreword. Nor has he read the book.曼德拉已发表声明,表示自己没有为这本书作序,甚至连这本书都未曾读过。

6.'Don't feel you have to read it pke a book, ' he writes in the book's foreword. 'Use it as a way to get fired up. A way to get motivated. '他在该书的前言中写道,“不要觉得你必须把它当成一本书来读,而要把它作为获取激情和动力的途径。”

7.The first part is foreword, introducing the concept of multi-adverbial , the research condition of this question and the meaning of thesis.第一部分是引言,介绍了多项状语的概念、前人对这一问题的研究以及论文写作的意义。

8.In a foreword to the book, the president of Yale, Richard C. Levin, calls Mr. Rui "an energetic young standard bearer of the New China. "在这本书的前言中,耶鲁校长理查德C·莱文(RichardC.Levin)称芮成钢是新中国一位精力充沛的年轻旗手。

9.The foreword is focused on introducing the present research situations of Quentin Tarantino and the general framework of the main text.前言主要是介绍有关昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的国内外研究现状以及正文所要论述问题的大体框架。

10.Introduction: Description of the subject matter, style of presentation and uses of a book. See Foreword, Preface.例言(使用说明):说明书的内容、体裁或使用方法的文字。参阅前言,序言。