


美式发音: [ˈfɔrfɪt] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)fɪt]





第三人称单数:forfeits  现在分词:forfeiting  过去式:forfeited  搭配同义词

v.+n.forfeit chance,forfeit support

v.lose,pay for,be deprived of,pay with,be stripped of




1.~ sth(因犯错)丧失,被没收to lose sth or have sth taken away from you because you have done sth wrong

If you cancel your fpght, you will forfeit your deposit.乘客取消航班订位,订金概不退还。

He has forfeited his right to be taken seriously.他丧失了需被认真对待的权利。


1.罚金;没收物something that a person has to pay, or sth that is taken from them, because they have done sth wrong


1.[nbn]被罚;被没收taken away from sb as a punishment




v.1.to be forced to give up a right, a benefit, or something that you own, because you have broken a rule or law2.to lose something valuable by making a mistake or by doing something wrong

adj.1.something that is forfeit is taken from you because of something that you have done wrong or have failed to do

n.1.something that you must give, pay, or do because you have done something wrong

1.丧失 forsake( 遗弃,抛弃,摒绝); forfeit丧失,失去,没收); father( …

2.罚款 defense 保护;防卫 5. forfeit 罚款;丧失 6. intensity 强度;强烈 7. ...

3.罚金 forest 森林,园林,林火 forfeit 没收物,罚金,丧失 forge 熔炉, 铁工厂 ...

4.没收 forsake( 遗弃,抛弃,摒绝); forfeit( 丧失,失去,没收); father( …

5.失去 forsake( 遗弃,抛弃,摒绝); forfeit( 丧失,失去,没收); father( …

6.没收物 forest 森林,园林,林火 forfeit 没收物,罚金,丧失 forge 熔炉, 铁工厂 ...

7.被没收 forever 永远地 forfeit 被没收 forge 打□ ...

8.放弃 forensics 法医学 forfeit 放弃,失去 forgery 伪造 ...


1.Critics of such popcies say that children who grow up in poverty forfeit the chance to prosper as adults, or to become productive workers.批评削减福利者说,贫困使儿童得不到长大后发展的机会,也得不到成为产业工人的机会。

2.Either I would make it on the next try or we would be obpged to continue up the route and forfeit the "all free" effort.我只能再试一次或是被迫跳过这个路线继续往上放弃“allfree”的成就。

3.You can't cash out for at least 12 months, and you forfeit the last three months of interest if you redeem in less than five years.这种债券至少12个月不能变现,如果持有时间不到五年就进行赎回,还会丧失后三个月的利息。

4.If you don't return the article to the shop within a week , you forfeit your chance of getting your money back .如果一周内你不把物品归还店里,你就会丧失取回钱的机会。

5.They did not want to lose their homes or to forfeit the substantial deposit they had had to find.他们不想丢掉房子,不想失去曾经必须付出的可观的订金。

6.part one : with the concept of forfeit of bills as a start , redefines and cleared up several important concepts.第一部分:从票据丧失的基本概念入手,对几个重要概念进行了重新界定及澄清。

7.In case of the above, the Lessor shall be entitled to detain or forfeit the Deposit and the rent prepaid by the Lessee.如果发生本条第一款所述情况,甲方有权扣留或没收乙方的押金及预交的租金。

8.Those who miss their classes can forfeit up to a month's unemployment benefits.缺课的人最多会被扣一个月的失业救济金作为惩罚。

9.If you let that happen, you forfeit your passion and the worst happens. . . it turns into just a good idea.如果你让这一切发生的话,你会丧失热情而最糟糕的事情也会发生--因为它只是一个“好主意”。

10.An opportunity for judicial review of any decision to revoke or forfeit a patent shall be available.撤销专利或宣布专利无效的任何决定,均应提供机会给予司法审查。