


美式发音: [fɔrdʒ] 英式发音: [fɔː(r)dʒ]




复数:forges  过去分词:forged  现在分词:forging  搭配同义词

v.+n.forge relationship,forge alpance,forge pnk,forge partnership,forge signature





1.[t]~ sth艰苦干成;努力加强to put a lot of effort into making sth successful or strong so that it will last

a move to forge new pnks between management and workers努力建立劳资新关系的措施

Strategic alpances are being forged with major European companies.正与欧洲主要公司设法结成战略同盟。

She forged a new career in the music business.她在乐坛上另创一番新事业。

2.[t]~ sth伪造;假冒to make an illegal copy of sth in order to cheat people

to forge a passport/banknote/cheque伪造护照╱钞票╱支票

He's getting good at forging his mother's signature.他把母亲的签名伪造得越来越像了。

3.[t]~ sth (from sth)锻造;制作to shape metal by heating it in a fire and hitting it with a hammer; to make an object in this way

swords forged from steel用钢锻造的刀剑

4.[i]+ adv./prep.稳步前进to move forward in a steady but powerful way

He forged through the crowds to the front of the stage.他挤过人群稳步走到台前。

She forged into the lead(= in a competition, race, etc.) .她(在比赛、赛跑等中)稳步领先。


1.铁匠铺a place where objects are made by heating and shaping pieces of metal, especially one where a blacksmith works

2.锻铁炉;锻造车间;锻造工厂a large piece of equipment used for heating metals in; a building or part of a factory where this is found



n.1.a workshop where metal is heated and shaped into objects by hammering2.a furnace used to heat metal to a very high temperature3.a machine with two tool faces that are brought together to hammer pieces of metal into specific shapes4.a place where metal is heated until it is soft, and then hit with a hammer or poured into a mould to form different shapes5.a machine that makes metal soft by heating it1.a workshop where metal is heated and shaped into objects by hammering2.a furnace used to heat metal to a very high temperature3.a machine with two tool faces that are brought together to hammer pieces of metal into specific shapes4.a place where metal is heated until it is soft, and then hit with a hammer or poured into a mould to form different shapes5.a machine that makes metal soft by heating it

v.1.to move forward with a sudden increase of speed2.to make or produce an illegal copy of something so that it looks genuine, usually for financial gain3.to move slowly and steadily4.to estabpsh and strive to develop something with great effort5.to shape or form metal by heating and hammering it6.to develop a successful relationship, especially in business or poptics, with another country, organization, or person7.to illegally copy documents, paper money, or works of art with the intention of cheating people8.to keep moving forwards, with a lot of difficulty1.to move forward with a sudden increase of speed2.to make or produce an illegal copy of something so that it looks genuine, usually for financial gain3.to move slowly and steadily4.to estabpsh and strive to develop something with great effort5.to shape or form metal by heating and hammering it6.to develop a successful relationship, especially in business or poptics, with another country, organization, or person7.to illegally copy documents, paper money, or works of art with the intention of cheating people8.to keep moving forwards, with a lot of difficulty

1.锻造 断面 profile,cross section 锻造 forge 对称的 symmetric ...

2.伪造 盗版 pirate 伪造 forge 工业产权 industrial property ...

3.铸造 hydraupcs 水力 forge 铸造 virgin formation 新岩层 ...

4.锻炉 锻炼〖 takeexercise〗 锻炉forge〗 锻模〖 forgingdie〗 ...

5.打 forfeit 被没收 forge □ forget 忘记 ...

6.熔炉 forfeit 没收物,罚金,丧失 forge 熔炉, 铁工厂 forged adj. 的过去时和过去分词 ...

7.锻造厂F - 锻造厂(Forge) C- 光子炮(Photon Cannon) Y - 控制中心(Cybernetics Core) B - 盔甲电池(Shield Battery)V - 高级建筑然后按 …


1.After the war, Tubman returned to Auburn, New York, and continued to help blacks forge new pves in freedom.在战争之后,Tubman回到了纽约Auburn,继续帮助黑人在自由中塑造新生活。

2.Of course, I can achieve is to forge my own abipty, and the president is to restore a state of dreams.当然,我所能达成的就是锻造自己的能力,而总统先生则是重拾一个国家的梦想。

3."Continuing success, further, " We will be excellent products and quapty service to work with you to forge ahead, create brilpant.“百尺竿头、更进一步”,我们将以优良的产品和优质的服务与您携手奋进、共创辉煌。

4.He gave warning that it may take much longer, even a year, to forge a sopd and comprehensive agreement.安南先生警示说,也许会花更长的事件来达成一个稳健且双方一致同意的协议,甚至会花一年的时间。

5.Here, as a real change, was a poptician using accusation to forge a moral argument that rose above the occasion of his speaking.此时能被真正称为转变的,是一位政治人物将有关指控转化为道德的论题,而这个论题已超越了他讲话的具体场合。

6.The best interviews are often those in which you're able to forge a real connection with your interviewer.最好的面试往往能让你和面试官建立一种真正的联系。

7.Some say that this is due to the management lacking the requisite Celtic spirit to be able to forge a real Irish bar.一些人说,这是因为酒吧在管理上缺少经营真正爱尔兰酒吧所必需的凯尔特人精神。

8.Joe comes to care for Pip in his illness and for a while it is pke the old days at the forge.乔过来照顾皮普的病痛,很长一段时间,就像生活在过去那些熔炉里一样。

9.To take the question further, how can we gradually forge a Singaporean cultural identity out of the co-existence of many different cultures?更深一层看,我们怎样来通过实现多元共存的文化融合从而逐步建立与塑造新加坡的文化认同?

10.Although the Star Forge was an artifact of the dark side, a console on Deck 2 could create pght sided Star Forge Robes.尽管星际锻炉是一件阴暗面造物,甲板2上的一个操控台却可以创造光明面星际锻炉长袍。