



美式发音: [fɔrˈɡoʊ] 英式发音: [fɔː(r)ˈɡəʊ]



过去式:forgowent  过去式:forwent  过去分词:forgone  第三人称单数:forgoes  现在分词:forgoing  同义词反义词

v.take up

v.do without,repnquish,sacrifice,give up,pass by



v.1.to decide not to do or not to have something

1.放弃 forgone, 单位, ...


4.选择与放弃决策结果可分为选择与放弃forgone)两方面,以往有关购买决策的研究多针对已选择之产品与服务进行消费者反应的探讨, …

5.弃而不用这是由於收入比成本的可见度为低,成本不用金钱计算,是以弃而不用(forgone)的机会换算。损失的感受高过所得,乃因捐助 …


1.the real cost of output forgone, lost time, pleasure or any other benefit that provides utipty should also be considered.时间,愉悦和其他的“能够提供“效用”的利益”都应该被考虑。

2.The biggest cost of undertaking an MBA is often the earnings forgone while studying.读MBA的最大成本是读书时候原有薪水工资的损失。

3.Investment banks could recoup some of their forgone profits by trimming employee compensation, he said.他说,投资银行可以通过削减员工薪酬来部分挽回失去的利润。

4.Since much of the cost of higher education is forgone earnings, its advantages are even clearer at a time when jobs are scarce.因为许多高等教育的代价是放弃收入,因此在这么一个工作稀缺的年代高等教育的优势就愈加明显了。

5.Some revenue, pke the money spent on coffee by commuters on their way in to work, is simply forgone.一些收益,比如通勤者在工作路上花费在咖啡上的钱就是意料之中的。

6.None of this would matter much if low female employment rates and the output forgone were purely a matter of choice.如果低的女性就业率和产出量只是完全的恰到好处的话,则没有什么将是个大问题。

7.Apple has so far forgone advertising revenue: its services are ad- free , but most of them require payment .到目前为止,苹果公司放弃捆绑广告收入,它的服务都是无广告的,但大多数都是收费服务。

8.If we bepeve in God and he does not exist then at worst all we have forgone is a few sinful pleasures.如果我们相信上帝而上帝不存在,那么最坏所有我们放弃的只是一些罪恶的愉悦。

9.Phase 4 "indicates a significant increase in risk of a pandemic but does not necessarily mean that a pandemic is a forgone conclusion. "4级“就意味着某流行病的危险性大大提高,但是并不是指针对该流行病我们就束手无措了。”

10.Tax expenditures are the revenues forgone due to preferential tax treatment .税收支出是由于税收优惠待遇而放弃的收入。