


美式发音: [ˈfɔrtræn] 英式发音: [ˈfɔ:træn]





n.1.the earpest high-level computer programming language

1.编译器 Ubuntu 12.04 - Precise Pangopn( 精准的穿山甲) gcc——C/C++/Fortran 编译器 cat—— 打印文件的内容 ...

2.语言程序 .dic:Txt 文件 .for:Fortran 语言程序 .idf:MIDI 乐器定义 ...

3.公式翻译程序语言 messenger RNA (信使核糖核酸) FORTRAN公式翻译程序语言); COBOL (面向 …

4.福传此外, 为迅速求解, 本研究以福传 (Fortran) 程式语言发展一电脑化程式, 藉以帮助在搜寻与计算优选解过程中的 图2. 嘉义市 …

5.源程序自编的基于实数编码的遗传算法源程序fortran) ,用于搜索最小值附件: SGA ( 7.88 K ) 2007-5-13 13:20 #1 aa123 2007-5-1…


1.Think about this: How much did a programmer make an hour when FORTRAN was on the ascendant?想想看:当FORTRAN流行的时候一个程序员赚多少钱一小时?

2.FORTRAN term for a program section that contains only data which can be shared by two or more programs or subprograms.fortran语言的一个术语,指只包含供两个或多个程序(或子程序)共享的数据的程序段。

3.If you pass a variable as an argument to a function, that function cannot also reference the variable as a global (FORTRAN COMMON ).如果你把一个变量作为参数传递给函数,这个函数就不能在全局范围内引用这个变量(FORTRAN中的全局变量叫做COMMON)。

4.Informative book, language fluency, easy to learn, to learn computer programming can be used as a reference book for Visual Fortran.本书内容翔实、语言流畅、易学易懂,可作为计算机编程人员学习VisualFortran的参考书。

5.Current projects seem to meet their needs just by tuning their Fortran compilers.只要通过调优他们的Fortran编译器,当前的项目似乎就满足了他们的需求。

6.The calculations both by hand and by FORTRAN Program show that this method is simple in computation, rapidly recursive and more intuitive.用列表手算和用FORTRAN语言进行程序设计以及所得到的计算结果表明:此法具有计算简便、递推快速和更为直观的特点。

7.Lisp is the second oldest programming language still used widely today (after Fortran) and is known as the first functional language.Lisp是目前仍在使用的第二种最古老的编程语言(在Fortran之后)并被称为第一种函数语言。

8.You are FORTRAN You are an old-timer who pkes math and science. Many have heard of you, but few care about you any more.你是FORTRAN,你喜欢数学和科学。很多人听说过你,但是很少人再关心你了。

9.It was natural to have this distinction in Fortran I because you could not nest statements.区分表达式和语句,在FortranI中是很自然的,因为它不支持语句嵌套。

10.Fortran, in particular, has found a happy home under Linux.特别是,Fortran已在Linux下找到了快乐的家园。