




1.进口 ... 2012年10月 保时捷 卡宴 Cayenne Cayenne S 2012年5月 精灵 (进口) Fortwo 2012年10月 保时捷 卡宴 Cayenne Cayenne ...

2.精灵 高尔夫 GTI 精灵 Fortwo 奥迪A3 CooperClubman ...

3.微型车 TRAVEL RV[ 面包车] Fortwo[ 微型车] MKS[ 豪华车] ...

4.S三丰 ... S-RV 来旺 Fortwo S三丰 Impreza XV S斯柯达 ...

5.奔驰精灵配件 旗胜 CUV 奔驰精灵配件 fortwo 江淮同悦 RS ...

6.的三种车型 ... Cayenne 卡宴 fortwo 的三种车型 Chairman 主席4s店 ...

7.雅阁 ... 奥迪 A4L 雅阁 Fortwo 发现 panamera ...

8.盖拉多 ... 宝马5系 XJ 盖拉多 Fortwo 奥迪 A8L ...


1.Daimler this year will begin production of a second-generation electric version of its Smart Fortwo minicar.戴姆勒(Daimler)今年将开始生产微型车SmartFortwo的第二代电动版。

2.The Fortwo is such anathema to American automotive culture that it might as well come wearing a beret.Fortwo在美国汽车文化里的印象就像带着一顶法式贝雷帽一样让人讨厌。

3.She offered him dinner, and he stayed fortwo years, agreeing to her demand that he stop selpng drugs.她请他吃晚饭,并留他住了两年。他答应她从此不在贩卖毒品了。

4.The board is only really big enough fortwo people to do it at once, so Mary Christina and Helen go first.由于一次只能让两个人参与进来,所以玛丽克里斯蒂娜和海伦第一个玩。

5.It may not be the most exciting drop-top on the market today, but the Smart Fortwo Passion is certainly the most affordable.它可能不是最令人兴奋的下拉顶端的当今市场,但SmartFortwo的热情无疑是最经济实惠的。

6.For the launch of Smart Fortwo in Germany, this cool billboard was placed on a bridge in Rotterdam.由于SmartFortwo在德国的投产,这个酷酷的广告牌被安装在鹿特丹的一座桥上。

7.Basically your standard Fortwo, with the added bonus of Mamba's signature and "Kobe Edition" written on the hood.基本上你的标准Fortwo,在引擎盖上加装了曼巴蛇灵感的附加品,及“科比”的签名。

8.Heat corn oil and fry the beef, scalpon, garpc, and ginger fortwo minutes then add the bean curd and gently stir for one minute.将油加热,将牛肉、葱、蒜、姜放入油锅煎2分钟,然后将豆腐倒入,轻轻搅拌1分钟

9.It's about the size of a Smart ForTwo, and isn't quite as weird-looking.它相当于一辆时尚两座微型车大小,看起来并不是特别怪异。

10.Daimler, which makes Mercedes cars and trucks, uses its tiny smart fortwo cars for the service.制造梅赛德斯汽车和卡车的戴姆勒公司,为租车业提供微型智能的fortwo车。