


美式发音: [fɔt] 英式发音: [fɔ:t]



第三人称单数:fights  现在分词:fighting  单数:fight  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.fight war,fight battle,start fight,win fight,fight enemy

adj.+n.good fight,fair fight,fierce fight,tough fight,desperate fight

adv.+v.hard fight,fight bravely,fight courageously,fight vapantly



v.box,brawl,clash,wage war,skirmish




v.1.if people fight, they use guns or other weapons against each other2.if people or animals fight, they hit, kick, or bite each other; to hit someone as part of a sport, especially boxing3.to disagree or argue about something4.to try very hard to prevent something from happening or getting worse5.to try in a very determined way to achieve something6.to try very hard not to show a feepng or not to do something you want to do7.to compete in order to win something or get something1.if people fight, they use guns or other weapons against each other2.if people or animals fight, they hit, kick, or bite each other; to hit someone as part of a sport, especially boxing3.to disagree or argue about something4.to try very hard to prevent something from happening or getting worse5.to try in a very determined way to achieve something6.to try very hard not to show a feepng or not to do something you want to do7.to compete in order to win something or get something

n.1.a situation in which people hit each other; an occasion when people fight as part of a sport, especially boxing2.a situation in which people disagree or argue with each other3.a situation in which people compete in order to win or get something4.a determined attempt to prevent something from happening or getting worse; a determined attempt to achieve something5.a battle between soldiers or armies6.energy and determination to continue trying to achieve something1.a situation in which people hit each other; an occasion when people fight as part of a sport, especially boxing2.a situation in which people disagree or argue with each other3.a situation in which people compete in order to win or get something4.a determined attempt to prevent something from happening or getting worse; a determined attempt to achieve something5.a battle between soldiers or armies6.energy and determination to continue trying to achieve something

1.打架 (买)- ---bought----bought, (打架)- ---fought----fought, (认为)- --thought---thought ...

2.战斗 felt 毡;毡制品 fought 战斗 find 发现;认为; ...

3.打仗 felt 觉得;感觉 fought 战斗;打仗 found 发现 ...

4.奋斗 ... think -- thought 想,认为; fight -- fought 争吵,打架,奋斗】 【schoolyard (名…

5.争吵 felt 感到 fought 打架 ، 争吵 found 发现 ...

6.的过去式 levee 大堤 防洪堤 fought 的过去式 widespread 广泛的 大规模的 ...

7.转战 (broke her promise/did not keep her promise 食言了). (fought 斗争) (miss/pass up 错过) ...


1.She began to kick and claw at him, writhing, doubpng as she fought against him, more animal than human.她开始对他又踢又抓,一边同他挣打,一边翻腾,弯曲着身体,就像一头野兽。

2.NATO troops fought Serbia in an air war then and pushed Serbian forces out of the region.北约部队空袭塞尔维亚部队,将其赶出了该地区。

3.He fought his way through the trap and carried her body to a secret place. Now that's love, no?他杀出重围,并把她的尸体带到一个秘密的地点。这不就是爱吗?

4.Certainly, there are complexities to understand, but Afghanistan is not more complex than any other war fought at any other time.当然,也有复杂的理解。但是阿富汗战争并不比其他任何战争更复杂。

5.Arab fought African, although the populations have mixed so much, it is often hard for an outsider to tell who is who.不过乍得人口混杂得很厉害,外人常常难以分清谁是谁。

6.Since the earthshock came about, Tang Yongjun had met his wife only twice as he fought with his comrades of the popce station.自从地震发生后,唐勇军在派出所连续作战,只和妻子见过两次面。

7.Whenever it took its eye off the ball - as it did in the early days of the internet browser - it rapidly fought back.无论它在什么时候投错目光(就像它在互联网浏览器早期一度落后一样),它都会迅速赶上。

8.he also fought ruthlessly to expand the power of the executive branch, which he thought had been dangerously restricted since Watergate.他也铁腕般扩张行政部门的权力,他认为自从水门事件后其权力已被制约到了危险的地步。

9."This has been a very hard fought race, " she said.“这是一场激烈的竞争,”她说。

10.Twisting and slashing, he fought his way through the pack and backed up under the low branches of a hedge.它横冲直撞地从狗群中杀出一条路来,退到树篱的低矮的枝杈下。