




1.四条腿 a short tail 一条短尾巴 four legs 四条腿 a French stamps 一张法国邮票 ...

2.四腿人 ... (toilet paper) 飞翔 (four legs) 四腿人 (comedy contortion) 扭扭扭 ...

3.四只腿 ... ten fingers 十指 four legs 四只腿 I guess so 我才是这样的 ...

4.四爪入选原因:点阅率高,四爪(four legs)


1.Therefore, only the four legs and a layer on top are made of American alder; the materials for the other parts cannot be confirmed.因此,只有四条桌腿和表层是美国桤木;其他的无法知道是由什么材料组成。

2.So, all the other dinosaurs that you know, or your kids know, at least, on four legs.然而,你或你的孩子记忆当中的其它恐龙至少是有四条腿的。

3.As long as you touch it gently, it was also the first four legs of the indentation back shell, no wonder people call for the faint-hearted.只要轻轻碰它一下,它的头还有四条腿都缩进了背壳里,难怪人们叫它为缩头乌龟。

4.In 30 years of farming, Brendle said, he's never before seen a chicken with four legs.经营农场30年的布伦德表示,他从没见过一只拥有4条腿的鸡。

5.One day, a man walked into a bar, followed by a pig. Pigs not only four legs, and replaced with artificial pmbs as a four-stick.有一天,一个男人走进一家酒吧,后面跟着一只猪。这只猪的四只脚都没了,换成四根木棍当作假肢。

6."Cows, " said the frog. "Cows! They have four legs, horns, eat grass, and carry pink bags of milk. "“牛,还有牛!”青蛙说。“他们有四条腿,有角,吃草的,还有个装了牛奶的粉红的袋子。”

7.I have no arm and no hands. But I have four legs and a back . I can stand, but I can't walk.我没有手臂,没有手。但是我有四条腿和一个背。我会站,但是我不会走路。

8.As the old saying has it, he would eat "anything on two legs except Mom and Pop, anything on four legs except beds and chairs. "正如那句俗语所说的,“两条腿的除了爹妈啥都吃,四条腿的除了床凳啥都吃。”

9.a fast gait of a horse; a two -beat stride during which all four legs are off the ground simultaneously.马快速的步法;以两拍的步幅前进它的四条腿同时离开地面。

10.An automatic level control system for the platform with four legs used in a vehicle-borne radar was introduced.介绍了一套应用于某型车载雷达的四点支撑机电式自动调平控制系统。