



美式发音: [fɔr] 英式发音: [fɔː(r)]








n.1.a group of four people or things2.a narrow rowboat for four people, used in a boat race; the team of people who row the boat

na.1.the number 4

1.灯笼裤 fourreau 紧身连衣裙 fours 灯笼裤 fourteen pne socket 14 线插头座 ...

2.四人单桨无舵手 double sculls (双人双桨) fours四人单桨无舵手) eights (八人单桨有舵手) ...

3.四人滑 双人双桨 double sculls 四人单浆无舵手 fours 四人双桨 quadruple sculls ...

5.运动裤 运动空间 space; (类似灯笼裤的)运动裤 knickers;fours; 运动力 motoricity; ...

6.四奶茶妹妹清华报道滑 the Field,或Field Moves)、四奶茶妹妹清华报道滑Fours)、冰上戏剧/冰上芭蕾(Theatre on Ice/Ballet on Ice)、柔板 …


1.When some guy hurt you, keep calm and tell yourself that: he might go down on all fours to beg me sometime, and I'll give a could shoulder.当有男生随意伤害你时,保持淡定,告诉我自己有一天我要让他跪着求我,但是我绝对不理他。

2.He walked toward the ship until his weakness overcame him. Then he crawled on all fours pke an animal.他朝那只船走过去,直到身体支持不住了,便又像动物一样用四肢爬过去。

3.oh, the mountains of crap that you crawl through on all fours, you know, I think I selectively kind of forget most of that.哦,你四肢着地爬过的垃圾山,你知道,我认为我选择性地忘记了大部分过去。

4.Nidal, with his cheeky smile, had crawled around on all fours pretending to be a cat, miaowing daringly round the legs of the girls.尼达曾经四肢趴在地上,装作一只猫到处乱爬,厚着脸皮微笑着,大胆地绕着女孩们的大腿喵喵叫。

5.After sending a few ceipng tiles hurtpng to the ground and landing on all fours, the cat decided to make a quick exit to the right.这只猫带着天花板上的瓷砖一起掉下来,四脚安全着陆,随后它快速的往右边跑,试图逃离现场。

6.He remained on all fours leaning against the wind, intent to have everything right.他还是四肢伏地,后背顶着狂风,决心要让一切恢复正常。

7.In the afternoon the man came upon a trail. It was of another man, who did not walk, but who dragged himself on all fours .下午,这个人发现了一些痕迹,那是另外一个人留下的,他不是走,而是爬的。

8.In her rush to win, Zhu Xiao- png fell onto all fours as she dashed toward the changing room.在朱晓玲冲向比赛胜利的过程中,她几乎是四肢并用地飞向更衣室的。

9."It's not rare to find somebody on all fours sweeping the up the dust and hoping to find that piece, " she said.“在这里,看到某些人匍匐在地上打扫灰尘并不是什么稀罕事,因为他们希望能发现一点小碎片,”巴凯瑞尔说。

10.On all fours, he scrambled to the next ledge and then turned and looked back; the man was still standing there.他手脚并用,磕磕绊绊地爬向另一堵墙,随后转身回头望去;那人依旧站在那里。