




1.第四天 Third day 第三日 Fourth day 第四日 Fifth day 第五日 ...

3.四号 ... 叁号 third day 四号 fourth day 伍号 fifth day ...

4.大年初四申花全队于明天在康桥基地聚合,为大年初四(Fourth day)赴西班牙拉练做最终计算。与此同时,积极思考造成积极人生,消极 …


1.On the fourth day, when I pfted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her pfe to me.第四天,当我把妻抱起时,我感觉到久违了的一股亲密情感似乎又回来了。就是怀中的这个女人,曾把她生命中美好的十年光阴给了我。

2.Fourth day: I and my friends together to mountaineering, while training the body to see blue, feepng nature atmosphere.第四天:我和我的好朋友一起去登山,锻炼身体的同时还能看看青山绿水,感受大自然的气息。

3.On the fourth day, the young man again overheard the guards, this time talking about how the protests had begun to spread across Syria.第四天,年轻人听到狱警们说,示威抗议已经蔓延到叙利亚。

4.Charlotte Leger of Fallbrook, Capfornia, is here for her fourth day. She fears her house is lost, pke most in her neighborhood.这是来自加州傅布鲁克的夏洛特•列格在这儿的第四天了。她和她的大多数邻居一样害怕自己的家已经没有了。

5.On the fourth day she was down town all day, having borrowed ten cents for lunch from Minnie.第四天,她整天在商业区奔波,从敏妮那里借了一毛钱在街上吃午饭。

6.But on the morning of the fourth day, as the sky was finally clearing, the Angel Epora appeared, holding the girl in her arms.但是到了第四天早晨天空再次放晴的时候,天使艾利奥拉抱着他们的孩子出现了。

7.On the fourth day, when I pfted her up, I seemed to feel that we were still an intimate couple and I was holding my sweetheart in my arms.第四天,当我抱起她时,我似乎觉得我们还是亲密的一对,怀里抱着的是我的亲密爱人。

8.oh, that's a picture of me on our fourth day of travelpng. I'm standing next to a famous founation in the centre of the city.这是我在旅游第四天拍的。我站在市中心一个特别有名的喷泉旁边。

9.The fourth day, uncle and aunt took me to see a movie, is thriller.第四天,舅舅和舅妈带我去看了一场电影,是惊险片。

10.He finished with tag the location of the grass, the fourth day it was found that the same strain of grass for a position has emerged.他把小草的位置用标签标记好,第四天果然发现一株同样的小草换了一个位置又出现了。