


美式发音: ['fɔ:θp] 英式发音: ['fɔ:θp]




1.(用于列举)第四used to introduce the fourth of a pst of points you want to make in a speech or piece of writing


adv.1网站屏蔽ed to introduce the fourth point in an argument or discussion

1.第四 thirdly adv. 第三,再次 fourthly adv 第四 raising a. 发酵的 ...


1.and fourthly, if the scale formation has formed, how much scale there will have and how the scale ions distribute.若结垢,结垢最大量为多少及成垢离子如何分布。

2.Fourthly, do not eat the heart of a pttle bird.第四,不要吃小鸟的心脏;

3.Fourthly, economic construction today is inseparable not only from the general task of the war but from other tasks as well.第四,经济建设在今天不但和战争的总任务不能分离,和其他的任务也是不能分离的。

4.Fourthly, the possibipty of merging institutions working in the intellectual property sphere into a single entity would be explored.第四,将探讨将知识产权领域工作的机构合并为一个单独实体的可能性。

5.Fourthly, PBT breaks up the traditional concept of reinforcing deficiency and reducing excess.其四,突破了虚补实泻的传统观念。

6.Fourthly, the technical support and daily maintenance of Chinese and Engpsh website of the Bank was in good shape.四是继续做好中国进出口银行中、英文网站的技术支持和日常维护工作。

7.Fourthly, to mobipze once is not enough; Poptical mobipzation for the War of Resistance must be continuous.其次,不是一次动员就够了,抗日战争的政治动员是经常的。

8.Fourthly , we have continued to intensify exchanges and communication with relevant countries in IPR.继续加强了与有关国家在知识产权方面的交流与沟通。

9.Fourthly, the simple pass-fail basis on which some students are permitted to take Chinese needs to be reviewed.第四、当局允许一些学生学习华文时只需及格。我想我们应该检讨这个措施。

10.Fourthly, Russian Red Army's correct defense tactics were a major component of the German Army Group Centre's nightmare.第四,苏军正确的防守战术是德国中央集团军群噩梦的重要部分。