


网络释义:现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array);现场可编程闸阵列;可编程逻辑器件


1.现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array)PGA)的供电——了解基础知识 -- 本研讨会讨论现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的特殊电源要求,以及用来确保无故障工作的合适电 …

2.现场可编程闸阵列随著现场可编程闸阵列(FPGA)已发展成为真正的可编程系统单晶片,采用这些晶片进行PCB设计的任务变得愈加复杂。目前动 …

3.可编程逻辑器件用可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)实现以太网控制器与其它SOC系统的互连成为当前的研究热点。本文阐述了MAC层的FPGA设计、仿 …

4.现场可编程逻辑门阵列 可重配臵接口模块 可重配臵接口模块采用现场可编程逻辑门阵列FPGA)芯片和电 平驱动电路构成,通过使用 FPGA 可根据 …

5.现场可编程逻辑阵列现场可编程逻辑阵列(FPGA)开发学习工具现场可编程逻辑阵列(FPGA)开发学习工具 VER:chicago5.0 2003-11-12 FPGA CHICA…

6.现场可编程逻辑器件中现场可编程逻辑器件FPGA)实现数据包协议的解析和数据传输的仲裁,数 字信号处理器(DSP)完成音频算法处理。


1.Hence, FPGA fault tolerant design technology must be developed to make up for the insufficiency in radiation resistance of its components.在面向航天应用的FPGA设计中,必须采用容错设计技术来弥补器件本身抗辐射能力的不足。

2.Selecting team members with a strong interest in learning FPGA technology should be a primary objective.选择对学习FPGA技术有浓厚兴趣的团队成员应该是首要目标。

3.Today, FPGAs are often the heart of the system , being designed into mainstream as well as state-of the-art high-volume products.今天,FPGA往往是系统的核心。它不仅生产量大、技术先进,而且还进入了半导体产品的主流。

4.Gathering an ideal team is often a challenge for smaller design groups and organizations with pmited FPGA design experience.对于缺乏FPGA设计经验的较小的设计机构和组织来说,组建一支理想的团队经常是个挑战。

5.Occasionally it may be necessary to go back ten or more versions of the FPGA design to revisit a specific problem or subsequent fix.偶尔会有必要回退十个甚至以上的FPGA设计版本来再现某个具体问题及随后相应的解决方法。

6.The design has been used in the data transmission of CMOS image sensor and has passed the FPGA prototype verification correctly.目前本设计已应用到光电器件CMOS图象传感器的数据传输并通过了FPGA原型验证。

7.The design concept of a radar deceptive jamming modulator is presented, and its implementation structure based on FPGA is put forward.提出了一种雷达欺骗干扰信号调制器的设计方案,给出了其在可编程门阵列(FPGA)中的实现结构。

8.The performance of an FPGA is dependent on its architecture including the design of its logic block and its interconnection fabric.性能的FPGA实现取决于其结构的设计,包括其逻辑块和互连结构。

9.Extensive testing was required to both ensure that the VHDL models behaved properly and to ensure that the FPGA did not damage the NES.需要做更多的测试,确保VHDL模块的行为正确,并确保FPGA没有损坏任天堂系统。

10.The core can be instantiated in the HDL capture of the FPGA design between the native waveform logic and the system bus.核心可以用HDL来具化,HDL实现了本地波形逻辑和系统总线之间的FPGA设计。