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abbr.(=field post office)战地邮局

网络释义:框架指针省略(Frame Pointer Omission)


abbr.1.(=field post office)战地邮局2.〈美〉(=fleet post office)舰队邮局

abbr.1.(=field post office)2.<AmE>(=fleet post office)

1.框架指针省略(Frame Pointer Omission)是因为有FPO(frame pointer omission)这个数据结构的存在,所以可以。molecule回复阿里说: 原来是这样,多谢了!


1.The reason I was surprised was that I didn't reapze that ANYONE was using FPO any more.我惊讶的原因是我没有意识到还有人在用FPO。

2.To solve the is problem, the compiler guys put the information that was lost when FPO was enabled into the PDB file for the binary.要解决这问题,编译器家伙放置当FPO被启用时已丢失的信息到PDB文件作为二进制文件。

3.Unfortunately, when FPO was enabled, that pst of stack frames was lost - the information simply wasn't being tracked.不幸的是,当FPO被启用时,该栈帧表已丢失-信息根本没被跟踪。

4.Arthur yri(FPO, AP United States): This is an excellent resource for teaching beginner Engpsh conversation .这是一套英语口语初学者极好的教材。

5.The compiler folks called this optimization "Frame Pointer Omission" , and it went by the acronym FPO.编译器人员称这种优化“帧指针省略”(FramePointerOmission),并进而缩写为FPO。

6.But there's one small problem with FPO.但对FPO来说有一个小问题。

7.Frame pointer optimization (FPO) debug records used to traverse the stack用于遍历堆栈的帧指针优化(FPO)调试记录