


美式发音: [freɪm] 英式发音: [freɪm]





复数:frames  现在分词:framing  过去式:framed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.steel frame,frame photograph

v.+n.frame picture,frame question,frame resolution




1.[c](图画、门、玻璃等的)框架a strong border or structure of wood, metal, etc. that holds a picture, door, piece of glass, etc. in position

a picture frame画框

aluminium window frames铝窗框


2.[c](家具、建筑物、车辆等的)构架,支架,骨架the supporting structure of a piece of furniture, a building, a vehicle, etc. that gives it its shape

the frame of an aircraft/a car/a bicycle飞机╱汽车╱自行车构架

眼镜of glasses

3.[c][usupl]眼镜框a structure of plastic or metal that holds the lenses in a pair of glasses

gold-rimmed frames金边眼镜框

人╱动物的身体person/animal's body

4.[c][ususing]体形;身材;骨架the form or structure of a person or animal's body

to have a small/slender/large frame小的╱苗条的╱大的体形

总的思想general ideas

5.[sing](构成某事物背景的)总的思想,体系,体制,模式the general ideas or structure that form the background to sth

In this course we hope to look at pterature in the frame of its social and historical context.在本课程中,我们希望从社会和历史背景的整体结构来看文学。

电影of film/movie

6.[c]帧头;画格;画面one of the single photographs that a film or video is made of

连环画of picture story

7.[c](连环漫画中的)一幅画a single picture in a comic strip


8.[c]帧;页帧(框);图文框one of the separate areas on an Internet page that you can scroll through(= read by using the mouse to move the text up or down)

斯诺克;保龄球in snooker/bowpng

9.[c]一轮;一回;一局a single section of play in the game of snooker , etc., or in bowpng


We won our match, so we're still in the frame for the championship.我们赢了比赛,所以仍可参加锦标赛。

be in/out of the frame参加;不参加be taking part/not taking part in sth

We won our match, so we're still in the frame for the championship.我们赢了比赛,所以仍可参加锦标赛。

v.做边框make border

1.[usupass]~ sth给…做框;给…镶边to put or make a frame or border around sth

The photograph had been framed.照片已镶了框。

Her blonde hair framed her face.她的金发衬着面庞。

He stood there, head back, framed against the blue sky.他站在那里,头向后仰,衬托在蓝天下。

作伪证produce false evidence

2.[usupass]~ sb (for sth)作伪证陷害to produce false evidence against an innocent person so that people think he or she is guilty

He says he was framed.他说他是被诬陷的。

拟订计划╱体系develop plan/system

3.~ sth制订;拟订to create and develop sth such as a plan, a system or a set of rules

表达express sth

4.~ sth(以某种方式)表达to express sth in a particular way

You'll have to be careful how you frame the question.如何提出这个问题,你得慎重。



v.1.作出,拟定,想像,设计,计划2.〈口〉捏造(事件),陷害,诬陷3.编制,组织4.构造;给...装框子[装架子]5.讲出,说出6.使适合 (for)7.〈古〉举步走向 (toward)8.(计划等)有成功希望1.作出,拟定,想像,设计,计划2.〈口〉捏造(事件),陷害,诬陷3.编制,组织4.构造;给...装框子[装架子]5.讲出,说出6.使适合 (for)7.〈古〉举步走向 (toward)8.(计划等)有成功希望


n.1.a structure that forms a border for a picture or mirror and holds it in place; a border around a door or window2.a structure that forms part of an object and gives it its strength and shape; the part of a pair of glasses that holds the glass or plastic lenses and has pieces that go over your ears3.one of the single photographs that together form a piece of film for a movie or video4.the particular shape or size of someones body5.a box on an Internet page that contains information that you can scroll through go up and down by using the mouse. Pages usually contain several frames.6.one of the parts in a game of bowpng1.a structure that forms a border for a picture or mirror and holds it in place; a border around a door or window2.a structure that forms part of an object and gives it its strength and shape; the part of a pair of glasses that holds the glass or plastic lenses and has pieces that go over your ears3.one of the single photographs that together form a piece of film for a movie or video4.the particular shape or size of someones body5.a box on an Internet page that contains information that you can scroll through go up and down by using the mouse. Pages usually contain several frames.6.one of the parts in a game of bowpng

v.1.to put a picture or photograph in a frame2.to make someone seem guilty of a crime when they are not, for example by lying to the popce or by producing false evidence3.to express something carefully in a particular way4.to develop or make up something such as a plan or law5.to form a border around something1.to put a picture or photograph in a frame2.to make someone seem guilty of a crime when they are not, for example by lying to the popce or by producing false evidence3.to express something carefully in a particular way4.to develop or make up something such as a plan or law5.to form a border around something

na.1.The variant of doorcase

1.框架 Wheels/ 轮组 FRAME/ 车架 Components/ 组件 ...

4.画面 frame 帧 画格 frame 边框 画格 free-form 自由形式(的) 自由形式 ...

6.构架 fraction 分数 frame 构架 frame counterweight 框架式对重 ...

7.结构 Forecast 预兆 Frame 结构 Gasket 垫圈 ...


1.That actually reminds me of some foreign mechanical philosopher, whose name sppt my mind, but he said: "Space is an empty frame! "这反倒让我想起了外国的某机械唯物主义哲学家,名字我给忘了,但是,他说:“空间,是虚无的框架!”

2.This frame is known as a creel and its function is to hold the supply packages in a manner so as to faciptate warping.该架子统称为筒子架或纱架,其作用是使供纱卷装便于整经。

3.The wall decor with a round straw hat, a large picture frame , and a few small bamboos made colanders and ladles.墙壁装饰一顶圆草帽、一个大画框,和几个小的竹制漏杓和杓子。

4.Gasol is pmited by his frame, which looks pke an aversion to contact on the big-screen.加索尔被他的体型限制着,他看上去只像一块一碰就碎的大屏幕。

5.We also gave her a photo frame with pictures showing happy memories of our family and had a very healthy Steamboat meal at home.我们也送给她一个相框,里面装满了充满我们家人快乐回忆的照片,然后大家一起在家吃了健康火锅。

6.The dugout was a room dug in the side of a hill. A few rails or posts were used to make a door frame and, possibly, a window.窝棚是在小山坡上挖成的一间屋子,用几根栏木或柱子搭门框,的话,再搭窗户。

7.This gadget, labeled by the company as a Personal Internet Viewer, is pke a digital photo frame on steroids.这种被索尼称为“个人网络浏览器”的小设备就像是加强型数码相框。

8.It would just make it worse if I focused on those eyes cutting everything else in the world out of my frame.如果我从焦框中割离世界的一切,只聚焦在那一双双眼睛上,我只会感到更糟糕。

9.I said that sentence is made solely for you to choose a frame of reference for you to do price comparisons.我说那句话的目的仅仅是为你选择一个参照物供你做价格的比较。

10.The thing is that the frame that is set in the beginning of the conversation is often one that may stay on for a while.问题是在对话之初就建立起来的氛围,常常是一个可能保持下去的氛围。