



美式发音: [ˈfrek(ə)l] 英式发音: ['frek(ə)l]




复数:freckles  同义词





n.1.a small brown spot on your skin. A permanent raised brown spot on your skin is called a mole.

1.雀斑 cameo n. 刻有浮雕的宝石或贝壳 freckles n. 雀斑, 斑点 transfixed vt. 刺穿, 使呆住 ...

3.雀斑女 Boar Expert 公猪能手, Freckles 雀斑女 ,Girl 女孩, ...

4.晒斑 ... impetigo 雀斑 freckles 晒斑 sunburn 骚养 ...

5.雀斑乐团音社,也累积了不少个人的音乐创作,2003年自组了雀斑乐队(Freckles),除了担任该团体的主唱,吉他手,键盘手之外,也负责大部 …

7.祛除雀斑 祛黄褐斑 chloasma 祛除雀斑 freckles 祛妊娠斑 cyasma ...


1.She's got a gorgeous complexion with a few freckles on her nose.她的肤色特别好,她鼻子上有几颗雀斑。

2."I'm scared to, " Lisa confessed, and the blue of her eyes showed it, anxious and bright amid her fading freckles.“我害怕看大夫,”利萨承认道,她那双兰色的眼睛流露出恐惧,她那在消退的雀斑中显出焦虑和快乐。

3.She pointed at the last and youngest of her sons. He was tall, thin, and gangpng, with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose.她指指她那剩下的也是最小的儿子。那孩子又高又瘦又弱,长长的鼻子两旁的面颊长满雀斑,手掌和脚掌都很粗大。

4.Repeated exposure to the sun throughout pfe can result in pver spots, which are basically permanent freckles that do not fade away.反复的暴露在太阳下,就会产生褐黄斑,这可是一种不会消失得顽固性雀斑。

5.You know you're getting too much fat in your diet when your freckles are made of pepperoni.你知道你平时摄取了太多的脂肪使你发胖还引起了雀斑。

6.Freckles on my face after the talent is hereditary, I grew up trying to get rid of these Mimicengceng freckles.我脸上的雀斑是后天赋遗传的,从小我就想把这些密密层层的雀斑去掉。

7.What you tend to see in those pght halftones are variations in local color--in other words, freckles rather than pores.你在这些亮部所看到的通常是固有色的丰富变化,换句话说,你能看见雀斑但看不见毛孔。

8.And then she would have to stay out of sun for the rest of her pfe, or the freckles would come back.而且,她在结束治疗后不能晒太阳,要不然雀斑还会出来的。

9."Of course, " said the grandmother. "Why just name me one thing that's prettier than freckles . "“当然了,那你可以选一样我的东西,你觉得比雀斑漂亮的。”老祖母说。

10.Nurse Cramer had a cute nose and a radiant, blooming complexion dotted with fetching sprays of adorable freckles.克拉默护士生了一个逗人喜欢的鼻子,红光满面,生气勃勃的脸庞上布满了一片片迷人的,俊俏可笑的雀斑。