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1.When you get a couple of free movie tickets, you would not hesitate to think of that special someone.当你拿到两张免费的电影票,你毫不犹豫的想到那个人。那时,你已经陷入爱情之中了。

2.At the age of eighty, people tried to get a free movie ticket.2八十年代的人会想方设法搞一张免费的电影票。

3.The Tablet S will come with a trial membership to the music service and a free movie and e-book.买TabletS的同时还会赠送会员体验,可以使用音乐服务,并赠送一部免费的电影、一本免费的电子书。

4.2 it was hard to agree to her offer of a free movie ticket.她白送我一张电影票,让我难以接受。

5.To get the free movie DVD rental Promo Code, all you have to do is to fill in a simple survey.要获得免费电影DVD租赁优惠码,所有你必须做的就是填写一份简单的调查。

6.Studios and the Pacific launched a joint Qiangyun hotpne for readers pke the movie into 10 free movie tickets.本报与太平洋影城联合推出抢运热线,为喜欢该片的读者送上10张免费电影票。

7.A free movie you buy may be cut to reflect the rating you desire (no violence, dirty language okay).你所购买的免费电影也许会按照你所希望的那样重新经过了剪辑,变得没有暴力和脏话。

8.We can see the free movie together.我们可以一起去看这场免费电影

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