




1.自由式谈话实掌握门生的好演出、欲乐成、易餍足等特点,把门生的自由式发言Free-talk)、演讲(Speech)、和演出(Act)作为课 …



1.Free talk in step 3; choose the dater on your mind to get more detailed information in a relaxed atmosphere.这一环节是自由交流,选择您想进一步了解的异性朋友进行自由而又轻松的英文对话。

2.A free talk or a formal conversation can be as important to a man as to a woman.一次自由的谈话或者一次正式的谈话对一个男人和对于一个女人同样重要。

3.Free talk with foreign guests, to fully display their abipty, held in junior high school oral Engpsh competition first prize.能与外宾自由交谈,充分展示自己的能力,曾在初中举办的英语口语比赛中获一等奖。

4.Free Talk by drunk after "Along the riverbank grass, " a chapter [18], soon after that, then suffer horrible disaster.后来因为醉酒不受拘束地谈《青青河畔草》一章,不久,就遭遇悲惨的灾祸。

5.When you are in free talk with your foreign friends please use some time to introduce some unique Chinese culture or customer to them.当你和外。国客人闲谈时请花费一些时间向他们介绍中。国独特的文化习俗。

6.Free talk: What do you think of the changes to our homes, school and country?自由讨论:从家庭、学校和国家的变化中你想到了什么?

7.Today it is an honour for me to be invited here and we will have a free talk about the International Monetary System.今天我很荣幸地被邀到这里来谈谈有关国际货币制度。

8.Long breaks encourage free talk and generate enthusiasm among participants.课间休息时间长能够鼓励自由讨论,在学员之间引发学习热情。

9.We have learnt enough Engpsh to carry on a free talk.我们已经学到了足够的英语可以进行自由的交谈。

10.Student-centred method includes group work, problem solving and free talk etc.学生中心教学模式包括小组讨论式、教师提问式及课前的自由交谈等。