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1.自由意志the power to make your own decisions without being controlled by God or fate


She left of her own free will.她是自愿离开的。

of your own free will自愿because you want to do sth rather than because sb has told or forced you to do it

She left of her own free will.她是自愿离开的。



3.自由思想 归纳法 induction 自由思想 free-will 灵与肉 mind and body ...

4.自我主宰识份子组成的菁英社会,教育应与宗教分离2. 人可以自我主宰(free-will),因理性批判,给人自由意志及自信,「人是生而自由的」3…


1.A separate study confirmed that this really was enough to shift people's thoughts towards determinism or towards free will.另一项研究证实,这确实足够引起人们对决定论或自由意志思想的改变。

2.All that we know of men's pfe is only a certain relation of free will to necessity, that is, of consciousness to the laws of reason.我们对外部自然界所知道的一切,只不过是自然力和必然性的一定关系,或生活的实质和理性法则的一定关系。

3.Why does God give precedence to the free will of the dark ones over the free will of pght beings?为什么上帝给予黑暗势力优先的自由意志凌驾在光存有的自由意志之上?

4.Three days later, the eccentric Midwesterner was still at it, completing chapter after chapter, seemingly of his own free will.阅读开始三天后,这个来自中西部的怪小伙儿仍未放弃。他一章接一章的啃着,似乎心甘情愿。

5.To my own free will the free will of my neighbour is just as indifferent as his poor breath and flesh.我的邻人的自由意志对于我自己的自由意志来说,正像他可悦的呼吸和肉体一样于我是漠不相关的。

6.Anyhow, we have free-will to choose to be in heaven or to be somewhere else to experience for ourselves.无论如何我们可以有自由意志,选择要留在天堂还是到别的地方历练。

7.Interestingly there was no difference seen between the free will condition and the neutral condition.有趣的是,自由意志条件和中性条件之间并没显著差异。

8.For millennia the question of free will was the province of philosophers and theologians, but it actually turns on how the brain works.对绝大多数人来说,对自由意志的怀疑是哲学家和理论家的事,但其实它事关大脑如何工作。

9.However, virtue cannot be imposed upon. It originates in the person whose free will causes him or her to seek to be fully human.但是,美德不是强迫出来的,而是自发形成的,人的自由意志使人们努力追求,成为具备完全人性的人。

10.And then he gave himself to you, of his own free will.可是后来,他把他自己给了你,出于他的自由意志。