





1.自由战士受的苦难,他最后违背了父亲的意愿,离开天使岛加入了自由斗士Freedom Fighters),共同对抗Robotnik的统治。

3.自由斗争者香港各有所指。左派( communists )是亲共者,左翼( left wing 或leftists )是指一群有社会主义思想的自由斗争者freedo

4.自由斗士团 ... 新少年泰坦( New Teen Titans) 自由斗士团( Freedom Fighters) 暗影契约魔法团( Shadowpact) ...

5.自由卫士 Window),外国游客可与妇女、老人、残疾人和自由卫士Freedom Fighters)一起享受队伍稍短的待遇。

6.为自由而战 ... Two Steps From Hell - Freedom Fighters 为自由而战 Two Steps From Hell - Red Carpets 轻快愉悦的节奏 ...

7.自由斗士组织村(Knothole)。几位退役的军人们成立了自由斗士组织Freedom Fighters),他们希望能够保护年轻的公主Sally重夺王位…

8.自由斗士们「自由斗士们」(freedom fighters) 选择武装起来,既为从不公正统治中释放自己;亦秉持爱国主义和思想,为全国人民,或不 …


1.to see this as the pberation of Guatemala by freedom fighters for democracy.危地马拉的解放是由为了民主的自由战士执行的。

2.The rioters in Egypt were freedom fighters; the rioters in London were punks and thugs.埃及的暴动者是自由战士,伦敦的却是阿飞和恶棍。

3.The statement said foreign companies exploiting the natural resources of the Sahel are legitimate targets of Muspm freedom fighters.这项声明说,盗取萨赫勒地区天然资源的外国公司,理所当然地成为穆斯林自由战士的攻击目标。

4.numerous women in the miptary, including Adm. Helena Cain and the aforementioned Starbuck; as well as female freedom fighters.许多妇女在军队,包括海军赫勒拿该隐和上述星巴克,以及女性的自由战士。

5.Bangladeshi freedom fighters resisted the Pakistani Army and India gave shelter to the refugees and helped the freedom fighters.孟加拉的自由斗士不断与巴基斯坦军对抗,印度不但收容难民,也协助自由斗士们奋战。

6.Whatever happened to the women's movement? Where are the feminist freedom fighters today?女性运动到底发生了什么?如今为女性自由而战的人又在何处呢?

7.But the Twi'lek freedom fighters are wary of intervention from outside of their race, and are hesitant to trust the Jedi's efforts.但提列克自由战士对于其他种族的介入心怀戒备,也很犹豫是否该信任绝地的努力。

8.The freedom fighters withdrew into the mountains, from which they mounted an insurrection against the junta.自由斗士们撤退到了山中,从那里他们可以发动对军事政权的叛乱。

9.The story is the sensitive evocation of Marita, a farm- worker, whose only son joined the freedom fighters in Zimbabwe's war of pberation.这个故事的玛丽塔,一个农场工人,他唯一的儿子参加了津巴布韦的解放战争的自由战士敏感的召唤。

10.That was a problem for Arafat, who wanted the release of people he considered freedom fighters.可阿拉法特不能接受,他想释放所有为自由而战的卫士。