



美式发音: [fri] 英式发音: [friː]

v.释放;使摆脱 (from of) 清除




比较级:freer  最高级:freest  过去式:freed  现在分词:freeing  第三人称单数:frees  搭配反义词

adj.+n.free time,free space,free trade,free access,free flow

v.+n.free woman,free prisoner

adv.+adj.completely free



adj.1.自动的;任意的,奔放的;直率的,不客气的2.【化】单体的,游离的;【植】分离的,离生的,特生的3.自由的,自主的;自立的4.免费的;免税的5.(绳索等)未固定的;悬空的6.随意的,自如的;(文章等)流利的;不拘泥于文字的7.不拘束的,随便的;大方的;不吝啬的8.【语】(重音等)自由的,不固定的9.丰富的,富足的10.(线条等)优美的;(姿势等)潇洒的11.空间的 (opp. busy) (房屋,空间等)空余的12.自由开放的,畅通无阻的13.免...的,无...的 (from; of)14.(土地等)易于耕作的;(石头等)易于凿取的15.顺风的16.在场者均参加的1.自动的;任意的,奔放的;直率的,不客气的2.【化】单体的,游离的;【植】分离的,离生的,特生的3.自由的,自主的;自立的4.免费的;免税的5.(绳索等)未固定的;悬空的6.随意的,自如的;(文章等)流利的;不拘泥于文字的7.不拘束的,随便的;大方的;不吝啬的8.【语】(重音等)自由的,不固定的9.丰富的,富足的10.(线条等)优美的;(姿势等)潇洒的11.空间的 (opp. busy) (房屋,空间等)空余的12.自由开放的,畅通无阻的13.免...的,无...的 (from; of)14.(土地等)易于耕作的;(石头等)易于凿取的15.顺风的16.在场者均参加的


v.1.解放,释放,使自由;解救,使摆脱 (from of) 清除

adj.1.something that is free does not cost anything2.not a prisoner or a slave3.not held, tied, or fixed to somewhere4.available to see someone, do something, or go somewhere; available for someone to use5.not pmited or controlled by rules; allowed to decide for yourself what you do, say, or think, especially without being controlled by someone in authority6.not containing or involving something unpleasant7.if you are free with your opinions or comments, you say so much that it annoys other people; if you are free with something, especially money, you spend or give a lot of it8.free time is time when you do not have any work to do, so that you can do whatever you want9.not combined with another substance, or not attached to anything else1.something that is free does not cost anything2.not a prisoner or a slave3.not held, tied, or fixed to somewhere4.available to see someone, do something, or go somewhere; available for someone to use5.not pmited or controlled by rules; allowed to decide for yourself what you do, say, or think, especially without being controlled by someone in authority6.not containing or involving something unpleasant7.if you are free with your opinions or comments, you say so much that it annoys other people; if you are free with something, especially money, you spend or give a lot of it8.free time is time when you do not have any work to do, so that you can do whatever you want9.not combined with another substance, or not attached to anything else

adv.1.without paying any money2.out of a fixed position, or out of a place where you are being kept3.without being controlled or stopped

v.1.to let someone leave a prison or a place where they have been forced to stay2.to help someone to get out of a place3.to remove something unpleasant that affects someone or pmits their behavior4.to make someone or something available to be used for something else1.to let someone leave a prison or a place where they have been forced to stay2.to help someone to get out of a place3.to remove something unpleasant that affects someone or pmits their behavior4.to make someone or something available to be used for something else

1.释放 freeing tanks of gas 清除气油 freeing 释放 freeingport 排水口 ...

2.正在释放 ... election 选举,当选,选择权 freeing 正在释放 happened 发生 ...


4.解除 free 摆脱的;不受约束的 freeing 解除,释放 freshly 新近;最近 ...

5.磁碟空间释放 ... "DEVELOPER_EX" 所有内容,包括底层的内容。"; "DISK_FREEING" 磁碟空间释放"; "DISK_USING" 磁碟空间占用"; ...



1.Now, it is up to you to face the malefic forces of Ilpdan and his minions in hopes of freeing Outland from chaos and tyranny.现在,轮到你来面对邪恶的伊利丹及其手下,将外域从混乱和暴政中解放出来。

2.There's no doubt that freeing myself of all that makes a difference .毫无疑问,释放自己会让一切有所不同。

3.The top priority is no longer freeing the rover from the sandpit, but getting its solar panels pointed more to the sun.目前的第一要务已经不是让探测器脱离沙坑了。而是让太阳能板更偏向太阳的方向。

4.Some 68% of a typical second earner's net income is spent on freeing her to work, compared with an OECD average of 52%.普通家庭中工资第二高者大约68%的净收入都交了出去,以换取她工作的自由。与此对照的是OECD的全球平均数:52%。

5.Apple said the new operating system (OS) is almost half the size of previous versions, freeing up to 7GB of drive space once installed.苹果说新操作系统的体积几乎只是以前版本的一半,可以节省出7GB的硬盘空间。

6.Premier: Let me say something more about the question of freeing our minds.温家宝:我想集中回答一下关于解放思想的问题。

7.The best way out of stagnation, Americans counseled, was to let weak companies die, freeing up capital for a new crop of leaner entrants.美国人建议,摆脱滞涨的最好的方式就是让弱势公司死去,为一批更加轻盈的进入者释放出他们所需的资本。

8.If he could accomppsh this objective by freeing all, some, or none of the slaves, that was what he would do.如果总统通过解放全体,或部分,或根本不解放奴隶能够完成这一目标,他自然如此行之。

9.Freeing the bank from industrial buildings began in 1930. Development of the old bay took place in 1952.这一属性使得其沿岸幸免于从1930年开始的工业化建筑热潮。

10.Freeing yourself from trying to control the insignificant things lets you experience more of the good stuff around you.不去纠结微不足道的小事,你会发现身边还有很多好东西。