




1.弗列格, 最初是哲学和逻辑学的课题, 由德国著名哲学家和数学家弗雷格( Frege) 于1892年提出,近二十年来已进入语言学家的研究 …

4.弗瑞格和研究,其中包括布尔(Boole)、康托(Cantor)、弗瑞格(Frege)、皮阿罗(Peano)、策墨珞(Zermelo)、罗素(Russsell)、希尔伯 …

5.弗锐格此后,再经过现代数学、逻辑家皮阿诺(Peano)、弗锐格(Frege)、希尔伯特(Hilbert)、罗素(Russell)等人的努力,符号逻辑系统 …



1.At this point it becomes manifest that there are no 'logical objects' or 'logical constants' (in Frege's and Russell's sense).这就表明,没有(在弗雷格和罗素的意义上的)“逻辑对象”或“逻辑常项”。

2.Russell did not agree with Frege and put forward his theory of Descriptions.弗雷格之后,罗素提出了他的摹状词理论,区分了专名和摹状词。

3.Frege's theory of the sense is the language center of philosophy, the researches of modern western philosophy of language is significant.研究弗雷格以涵义理论为中心的语言哲学思想,对研究现代西方语言哲学具有重要的意义。

4.Frege's theory of meaning and their thoughts on the philosophy of language, embodied in his " Meaning And Reference" .弗雷格的意义理论及其关于语言哲学的思想,集中体现在他的《论涵义和指称》中。

5.Although a certain impact on Frege, Russell has left the well-worn research path in the theory of proper names.虽然受到弗雷格一定的影响,但是在对专名的看法上却离开了陈腐的研究路径。

6.In Frege's view, their means are the same, although the former has Definite Descriptions, and the latter does not.在弗雷格看来,它们的意谓是相同的,虽然前者有限定摹状词,而后者没有。

7.Inspired by him, the logicians followed have made great efforts to reapze this dream. Did Frege accomppsh it?后继逻辑学家为了实现这个梦想而奋斗不已,这个梦想在弗雷格那里得到了实现吗?

8.Kant might still maintain that logic in Frege's sense, being stronger than the traditional logic, goes beyond the bounds of the analytic.康德可能会指出,弗雷格意义上的逻辑要比传统逻辑强,已经越出了分析性的边界。

9.The philosopher Frege said that only in the context of a sentence do words have meaning.哲学家Frege曾说过词语只有在一个句子终才有意义。

10.Bertrand Russell is the leader and follower of the analytical philosophy after Frege.伯特兰·罗素是继弗雷格之后分析哲学的领军人物。