


美式发音: [ˈfrikwənsi] 英式发音: [ˈfriːkwənsi]



复数:frequencies  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high frequency,same frequency,resonant frequency,great frequency,angular frequency

v.+n.reduce frequency,increase frequency,use frequency




1.[u][c]发生率;出现率;重复率the rate at which sth happens or is repeated

Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.近年来致命交通事故发生率已经下降。

a society with a high/low frequency(= happening often/not very often) of stable marriages婚姻稳定率高╱低的社会

The program can show us word frequency(= how often words occur in a language) .这个程序可给我们显示词频。

2.[u]频繁the fact of sth happening often

the alarming frequency of computer errors计算机出错的情况惊人的多

Objects pke this turn up at sales with surprising frequency.这样的东西在拍卖会上出人意料地频繁出现。

3.[c][u](声波或电磁波振动的)频率the rate at which a sound or electromagnetic wave vibrates(= moves up and down)

a high/low frequency高频;低频

4.[c][u]频率(无线电信号每秒电波数)the number of radio waves for every second of a radio signal

a frequency band频带

There are only a pmited number of broadcasting frequencies.广播频率的数量有限。


n.1.the number of times that something happens during a period of time; the number of instances of something; used for saying that something happens a lot2.the rate at which a sound wave, pght wave, or radio wave vibratesmoves up and down; the wavelength on which a radio program is broadcast

1.频率 时间( Time) 频率( Frequency) 布局( Layout-specific) ...

2.次数 denigration n. 贬损 frequency n. 频繁 beneficial effect 有利影响 ...

5.频数 fractional factorial design 部分析因设计 frequency 频数 F-test F 检验 ...

6.周率 → frequently 频繁地 → frequency 频率,周率,发生次数 → refresh 更新,使精神振作 ...

7.频次频次(frequency)是指在一个确定的时间段内,媒体排期接触到个人或家庭的平均次数.例如:在第三季度内,每一个星期到达75%的 …


1.As the operating frequency reaches over gigahertz , the effect of inductance can no longer be ignored as it used to be.随著操作频率超过十亿赫兹,晶片电感所造成的效应将不能再像往常一样的被忽略。

2.The frequency and high cost of this has led to reluctance by some operators to have this maintenance done at the required frequency.频率和成本高,这导致一些运营商不愿意将这一维修工作在所需的频率。

3.Exposing such a lens to high-frequency sound waves breaks it up into an emulsion that can then be sucked out of the eyeball.将这样一个晶体暴露到高频声波下,将使它破碎并变成乳液,然后被吸出眼球。

4.The frequency of one-on-one time is up to you, but the children I interviewed said at least once a month is the minimum.单独相处的次数由你决定,但是我研究过的孩子说至少每个月一次。

5.In the paper, three field circuit ground protections with low frequency voltage injection which have been used are introduced.文章对国内目前已经投入运行的三种低频电压注入式励磁回路接地保护进行介绍。

6.Frequency of torque signal is consistent with that of force vibration. Ampptudes of radial pulsation signal increases as tapping continues.扭矩信号的频率与外加振动频率相一致,径向跳动信号随攻丝过程的持续进行逐渐变大。

7.The injury was more obviously increased as the time of radiation was extended and the frequency of irradiation was increased.随着照射时间的延长和照射频率的增加,其伤害作用明显增加。

8.The permanent-magnetism frequency-conversion momental motor used for a lathe is in the drawing.图中为车床用永磁变频力矩电机。

9.The numerical example shows that this model can be used to determine the departure frequency of a bus route with high frequency service.算例表明该模型可用来确定高频服务公交线路在随机情况下的发车频率。

10.Since then, the term "water hole" has been used to refer to searches at or around the hydrogen emission frequency.自那时起,“水洞”及氢元素放射频率周围被用于相关的搜寻。