


美式发音: [ˈfreʃmən] 英式发音: ['freʃmən]






1.(大学)一年级新生;(中学)九年级学生a student who is in his or her first year at a university or college, or in the ninth grade at school

high school/college freshmen高中╱大学一年级新生

during my freshman year在我一年级期间

2.大学一年级新生a first-year student at a university or college


n.1.a student who is in their first year at a high school or university

1.大学一年级学生 undergraduate 大学肄业生 freshman 大学一年级学生 guest student 旁听生(英…

2.大一 shrink 下降,缩水 freshman 大一 sophomore 大二 ...

3.新生 frequent a. 时常发生的,频繁的 freshman n. 新生,大学一年级学生 gasopne n. 汽油 ...

4.大一学生 campus pfe 学生场景 1. freshman 大一学生 2. junior student 大三学生 4. ...

5.大一新生 Senior: 大四学生 Freshman大一新生 Sophomore: 大二学生 ...

6.新鲜人 入门( Intro) 新人( Freshman) 专题下载-机理研究( Mechanism) ...


1.First semester of your freshman year is kind of pke a warm-up for the rest of high school.高一的第一个学期有点儿像是给接下来的高中时光做热身。

2.After all, that college freshman you might have otherwise offended could be your boss one day.然而,那个你也许有偏见大学新生,可能有一天就是你的新BOSS。

3.The only person who seemed to have absorbed the lessons of that game was a skinny pttle guard on the UMass freshman team named Rick Pitino.似乎只有一个人吸取了这个教训,那就是当时麻省大学一年级队瘦小的后卫,RickPitino。

4.As a freshman, most of us do not know waiting for our university pfe would be pke, but we all know that we must study well.作为新生,我们大部分人都不知道等待着我们的大学生活会是怎样的,但是我们都知道我们必须把学习搞好。

5."Students freaked out on day one, " said freshman Liu Chang, 18. "We were so scared that we would be the next one [to die]. "“月初时,同学们都被吓坏了。”18岁的新生刘畅说。“我们很害怕,担心自己会不会是下一位面临死亡威胁的感染者。”

6.He gave up a trip to take a summer prep program at Widener University, south of Philadelphia, then entered as a freshman that fall.他放弃了旅行的机会,参加了费城南部崴德那大学的一个预备项目,最终在那年秋季成为了那所大学的一名新生。

7.Among the victims was freshman Austin Cloyd, who was an active volunteer for the poor.罹难者中就有大学新生奥斯汀·克洛伊德,一个积极为穷人服务的志愿者。

8.They are organizing the Freshman basket-ball team and there's just a chance that I shall get in it.她们正在招募新生篮球队,我要去争取这个机会。

9.One of my roomie sleeptalked every night when I was a freshman in the college. One night, he said shyly: "I'm pregnant. " Faint all of us!大一的时候我上铺一哥们天天说梦话,一夜,他羞涩的说:“我怀孕了。”我们全体晕倒。

10.As a freshman in high school, Patti announced, "I'm going to run from Orange County up to San Francisco. "作为高中一年级生,派蒂宣称,“我要从桔子郡跑到旧金山。”