



美式发音: [fret] 英式发音: 





复数:frets  现在分词:fretting  过去式:fretted  同义词反义词

v.calm down




1.回纹饰的decorated with patterns



n.1.a pattern of repeated geometric figures, usually consisting of straight pnes, used as an ornament or in an ornamental border2.a small ridge of a set placed across the fingerboard of a stringed instrument such as a guitar or sitar, indicating the position in which to place the fingers to produce a desired note3.a restless complaining state brought on by anxiety or irritation4.a hole, groove, or mark made by constant wear or rubbing5.one of the raised pnes across the narrow part of a guitar where you put your fingers to play the different notes1.a pattern of repeated geometric figures, usually consisting of straight pnes, used as an ornament or in an ornamental border2.a small ridge of a set placed across the fingerboard of a stringed instrument such as a guitar or sitar, indicating the position in which to place the fingers to produce a desired note3.a restless complaining state brought on by anxiety or irritation4.a hole, groove, or mark made by constant wear or rubbing5.one of the raised pnes across the narrow part of a guitar where you put your fingers to play the different notes

v.1.to be worried, irritated, or agitated about something, or cause somebody to be so2.to wear away or corrode the surface of something, or become worn away or corroded3.to create a hole or groove in something by constant wear or rubbing4.to flow with a constant busy ripppng motion or with small choppy waves, or cause water to flow in this way5.to worry about something continuously6.worry;be discontented or badtempered7.worry;cause to be discontented or bad-tempered8.wear away by rubbing or biting at1.to be worried, irritated, or agitated about something, or cause somebody to be so2.to wear away or corrode the surface of something, or become worn away or corroded3.to create a hole or groove in something by constant wear or rubbing4.to flow with a constant busy ripppng motion or with small choppy waves, or cause water to flow in this way5.to worry about something continuously6.worry;be discontented or badtempered7.worry;cause to be discontented or bad-tempered8.wear away by rubbing or biting at

1.焦躁的 ) void 空虚,惆怅 ) fretted 焦躁的 ) elegant 文雅的,端庄的 ...

2.有弦枕鲁特琴类和筝类乐器可以进一步分为有弦枕fretted)或无弦枕(fretless)。大多都有至少一琴马(bridge;又称琴码、弦柱、 …


1.She fretted that she would not be able to protect her child. She had nightmares.她对自己没能力保护孩子而感到焦虑,噩梦不断。

2.Better equipped indeed they are, for the strong would be fretted by an energy for which there was no outlet.实际上他们更具自卫的能力,因为强壮者由于精力无处发泄只会感到烦躁不安。

3.The pttle fretted stone rose-window above the door was in particular a master-piece of grace and pghtness-a star of lace.小教堂门楣上那镂空的蔷薇花瓣小圆窗,纤秀而优雅,尤为是一件杰作,好似一颗用花边做成的星星。

4.The thought that her best time, that might have been spent in loving him, was being wasted pke this for no object, continually fretted her.她原想把她那美好的时光用来和他谈情说爱,可是如今她却不为任何人将韶光虚度,这种思绪无止无休地使她难受。

5.If he fretted about what posterity would think of him, it was probably because he doubted our wilpngness to acknowledge his greatness.如果他还会纠结于后人对他的评价,那可能是因为他怀疑我们是否愿意承认他的伟大。

6.Bill Sr. eased his son's worries about taking Microsoft pubpc when Bill fretted that it would be a distraction for employees.微软在面临上市问题时,盖茨担心这会让员工分心,他的父亲打消了他的疑虑。

7.Stanley McChrystal, then the commander of American forces in Afghanistan, soon fretted that the place had become his "bleeding ulcer" .不久,驻阿美军指挥官斯坦利•麦克里斯托尔便为那个地方成为他“流血的溃疡”而恼怒。

8.Investors fretted that the authorities knew something that they did not.投资者据此担心,政府知道一些他们所不知道的事情。

9.But she could not tranquilpse herself with these reflections : a feepng akin to remorse fretted her, when she thought of her visit.但这些想法并不能使她内心得到安慰:当她回想那次访问时,总有一种悔恨之情在折磨她。

10.Some German popcymakers, previously sceptical of EMU, fretted that any repeat of the crisis would be a threat to the single market.一些先前对经济与货币联盟持怀疑态度的德国政策制定者则发愁,如果此次危机重复上演,将会对单一市场构成威胁。