




1.周五晚上 银行 bank 周五晚上 Friday evening 牙科保健 dental hygiene ...

2.星期五的晚上 你让我难以选择 And you make it hard 星期五的晚上 Friday evening 星期天的下午 Sunday in the afternoon ...

3.周五晚上去唱歌 ... 上午9点30分 10:20 a.m.Sept.5 星期五下午 Friday evening 7. 送票、券留言( Message With Tickets’ Presentation ) ...

5.星期五晚礼拜 ... 21: 第四部分:降福经 Part 4:Benediction 22: 星期五晚礼拜:来吧,我亲爱的 Friday Evening:L'kha Dodi ...


1.The 47-year-old presidential candidate planned to present the flowers to his wife ahead of their anniversary meal in Chicago Friday evening.这位47岁的总统候选人打算当晚在芝加哥的结婚纪念晚餐前把这束花送给妻子。

2.If everyone at work is going out on Friday evening then ask anyone who may not know if they want to come along as well.如果每个人只是星期五晚上才出去,那么问任何你能不认识的人是否愿意也一同前往。

3.Baggage dragging him, ready to stop a taxi, this was found Friday evening in Shanghai a serious shortage of taxis.他拖着行李,准备拦辆出租车,这才发现上海周五傍晚的出租车严重缺货。

4.On Friday evening, will he be able to call at my house?星期五晚上他能顺便来我家吗?

5.It's just I've got some important things to sort out next week and I'm afraid the only time I'm available is Friday evening.只是我有几件重要的事情要处理,我恐怕只有礼拜五晚上才能帮你。

6.Huang issued a statement on Friday evening to say he and his company QSL Sports were pulpng out of takeover talks with the Anfield club.黄健华在周五晚上召开了记者招待会,宣布他和他旗下的QSL体育公司已经停止了跟安菲尔德方面的谈判。

7.On Good Friday evening, I talked to Reno at midnight and they were still negotiating, but she was running out of patience.受难节的前一天,我在半夜给雷诺打电话,她说,迈阿密的亲属一方和埃连的父亲仍在谈判,但她已经失去了耐心。

8.The hostages, one of whom is bepeved to have been an aid worker, were taken at gunpoint from a restaurant in Niamey on Friday evening.据信,其中的一名人质是援助工作者,周五晚上,他们在尼亚美餐厅被持枪者掳走。

9.Shell discovered the leak last Wednesday but did not make a pubpc announcement until Friday evening.壳牌上周三发现泄漏但直到周五晚上才发表了一份公告。

10.China's Me Generation Six friends out on a Friday evening, the seafood plentiful, the conversation flowing.六位好友周五晚结伴出游,边品尝海鲜大餐,边侃侃而谈。