

friendly relations

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1.友好关系 ... international relations. 国际关系 friendly relations 友好关系 relationship n. 关系, 关联 联系 ...

2.交契 交迫[ simultaneously drive] 交契[ friendly relations] 交情[ friendship] ...

3.交情 ... [simultaneously drive] 不同的事物同时逼迫 [friendly relations] 情谊;交情 [shell out] 出需要的或应付的钱;付清 ...

4.情谊 ... [simultaneously drive] 不同的事物同时逼迫 [friendly relations] 情谊;交情 [shell out] 出需要的或应付的钱;付清 ...

5.和睦的关系 * friendly co-operation 亲密的合作. *friendly relations 和睦的关系 * on friendly terms with the boss 与老板关系融洽. ...

6.和周边国家和睦相处的关系 ... 同时也对中国 but also understood more 和周边国家和睦相处的关系friendly relations ...


1.The Secretary of State is trying to further advance the friendly relations between the two countries.国务秘书正试图进一步推动两国友好关系的国家

2."In the end, friendly relations between nations depend on the sense of trust between their leaders, " he said.归根结底,两国间的友好关系完全取决于领导人之间能否相互信任。

3.DPRK-China friendly relations will no doubt take this opportunity to continue to be strengthened and developed.朝中友好关系无疑将以此为契机,继续得到加强和发展。

4.He said since the estabpshment of their diplomatic ties 21 years ago, the two countries have always maintained friendly relations.他说,安巴与中国建交21年来一直保持着友好关系。

5.Cuba is ready to continue working with China for a brighter future of friendly relations between both countries.古方愿同中方继续努力,共同开创古中友好关系更加美好的未来。

6.We are ready to work with the Phipppines to promote sustained and in-depth development of our friendly relations of cooperation.我们愿与菲方一道,推动中菲友好合作关系持续、深入发展。

7.I shall have it framed as a souvenir of these tremendous days, and as a mark of our friendly relations.我要把它镶在镜框里,以纪念这些峥嵘岁月,同时它也是我们友谊的标志。

8.We thank you very much for your initial order and hope that this may be the beginning of long and friendly relations between us.十分感谢贵方的试订单,希望此订单成为双方长期友好往来的开端。

9.The Chinese side is ready to work together with Ecuador push forward the friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries.我们愿同厄方一道,共同推进中厄友好合作关系。

10.South Sudan is ready to maintain friendly relations with Sudan to settle outstanding issues between both sides.南苏丹愿与苏丹保持友好关系,解决双方悬而未决的问题。