




1.工作灯过的包包(电脑包、公事包、DSLR外拍包)、衣服、藤制品(from IKEA)等物品都会发霉....

3.麦包  材料:急冻北欧薄片麦包(From IKEA)  LAX KALLROKT急冻香草烟三文鱼(From IKEA)  仲有沙律酱首先我把麦包放进微波炉加 …


1.the red bookcase is from ikea. it's filled with photography books, magazines, old cameras and a few of my favorite vinyl figures.宜家买的红色书柜,里面摆了摄影书籍,杂志,老式相机还有一些我非常喜欢的乙烯小人。

2.I asked my husband to assemble some furniture from Ikea but as usual he made a complete pig's ear of it.我让我丈夫组装一些从宜家买回来的家具,可他和往常一样又把一切都搞得一团糟。

3.' Which can only mean one thing: she's never had to assemble a chair from Ikea.这意味着:她没有组装过宜家的椅子。

4.the sheepskin is from ikea, and ihave it all over the house.羊皮来自宜家,整座房子里还有很多。

5.And I am, today, launching a brand new analog teaching technology that I picked up from IKEA: this box.我在今天,会展示一个崭新的模拟教学科技这是我从宜家买来的,这个箱子。

6.He used it to haul furniture to his new home from Ikea.他用这辆新车把从宜家买的家具运到新家。

7.The furniture was from Ikea and my wife bought apppances onpne or at outdoor markets.家具是从宜家买的,电器是老婆网购的或是在露天大市场买的。

8.Yet, when the important moment finally arrived and I came home with a pine table from Ikea, I felt somewhat underwhelmed.但是,当这重要一刻终于来临,我带回家一张宜家的松木桌子,我却觉得有点提不起兴致。

9.the wood cart was a great addition from ikea.宜家的木头架子也很不错。

10.And, while you may order products from Ikea's website, their primary channel is their stores.同样,虽然你可以通过网站订购宜家的产品,但是商店才是他们的主要售货渠道。