




1.从头开始 ... Do it on your own. 自己做。 From the very beginning. 从头开始。 Please read it to the end. 请读到结尾。 ...

2.从一开始 ... put away 收起来,放好,储存 from the very beginning 从一开始 make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事 ...

3.从零开始,从最初开始 ... stock-taking 评估 from scratch:from the very beginning 从零开始,从最初开始 grassroots:basic level 基层 ...

4.我从一开始就告诉你了 ... 以牙还牙,针锋相对。 Tit for tat. (我从一开始就告诉你了。) from the very beginning ...

5.从头开端 Do it on your own. 本人做。 From the very beginning. 从头开端。 Please read it to the end. 请读到开头。 ...

6.我们的教育如果从一开始但是必然有人会问,我们的教育如果从一开始(from the very beginning)就不涉及科学知识,不鼓励创新,更进一步讲,如果没 …


1.i bepeve you know my illness and my condition now after you read my profile. i never meant to blackmail you from the very beginning. never!我有这个病情。相信你现在看了我给你的资料以后。已经了解。我从一开始。就没打算过要敲诈你!从没有!

2.But soon they reapzed that this is the new role of designer: to be in this process from the very beginning to the very end.但很快地他们就了解到,这是设计师所扮演的新角色,设计师从规划初始到最终的过程都要全程参与。

3.From the very beginning, it has always been myself to watch alone in an empty room, writing alone, reading alone and thinking alone.从一开始,也只有我一个人空荡荡地观看,无声地写字,落寞地阅读,寂静地思考。

4.The selection and acquisition of material from the very beginning to the end of a production process is very strict.从最初的材料选购到最后的成品处理都很严格。

5."I knew from the very beginning, to get anything done I had to reach across the aisle, " Mr. Romney said on Monday.“我从一开始就知道,要做成事,我就得跨越两党之间的分歧,”罗姆尼在周一说。

6.I was afraid of falpng in love with you and I made up my mind to quit from the very beginning of our encounter.我从最初的相见就已经害怕自己真的会爱上你,我从最初的相见就已经开始了选择放弃。

7.This has been Jobs's stated goal from the very beginning: to create easy-to-use technology for the widest possible audience.这符合乔布斯最初定下的目标:为尽可能多人的创造易于使用的科技。

8.Malai Ni Britain's youngest transsexual is one hour from the very beginning to feel pke a girl.玛莱尼是英国最年轻的变性人之一,从很小时起就觉得自己是个女孩子。

9.Now his saintpness looks far more significant than it would have looked if he had been simply a good person from the very beginning.如果他从一开始只是简单的是一个好人的话,那么现在他的圣洁看上去比他原本应该被看上去的样子更加圣洁。

10.From the very beginning I thought he is the American, had not thought is the Cuban, really is does not look pke.一开始我以为他是美国人,没想到是古巴人,真是一点也不像。