




1.从到 以后 later;after 从 到 from to 然后 then ...

2.从什么到什么 from east to west : 从东到西 From to从什么到什么 From to : 起止时间 ...

3.起止时间 From to : 从什么到什么 From to起止时间 from east to west : 从东到西 ...

4.从至表法置 四、布置决策的定量分析 1、作业相关图法 2、从至表法from to) 五、影响生产和服务设施布置决策的因素 P151 满足 …

5.从哪里装运 ... packing pst of( 装箱单文件编号) from to( 从哪里装运,通常指出口海港或空港) measurement( 体积:要列出长*宽*高) ...

6.目的港 ... 承保险别 货物标记 Conditions Marks of Goods 起运港 目的港 From To 保险货物项目 Description of Go…

7.从一点到另一点 ... 2) 在某个时间过程中 during 3) 从一点到另一点 from to 4) 在某个时间点附近 around ...

8.请对仗工整 ... D that 指代不明。 From to 请对仗工整。 And 的并列。 ...


1.I do not know where the money is to come from to feed and clothe them all.我不知道从哪儿弄钱来供他们吃穿。

2.Now I have two things to choose from: to go abroad, to find myself a decent job after graduation or to further my study as a postgraduate.现在我自己就面临着这样一个抉择:是出国,毕业后找一份安定的职业还是去考研继续深造。

3.We come from? To hear this issue, I am sure you will say that parents bring us up in the world.从哪里来?听到问题,大家肯定都会说,是父母把带到世界的。

4.It includes nearly 150 transition effects for you to choose from to switch between photos and video cpps in any way you want.它包括近150过渡效果供您选择之间切换照片和视频剪辑,在任何您想要的方式。

5.The from to apply for scholarship is sent by the university to each student before the start of every semester.每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。

6.It's a knowing that wherever the money came from to begin with, it will keep on coming, because you can keep on creating it.你也应认识到,因为你不断的创造,财富才会源源不断的从它该来的地方来到。

7.That wine differs from to soak the wine, after drink not dry, not above, a year, the four seasons all can drink.该酒不同于浸泡酒,饮后口不干,不上头,一年四季皆可饮用。

8.Some consider that it is quite different to adapt to each for a more harmonious relationship from to attempt to change each other.为了使两人关系更加和谐而互相适应,这与企图改变对方,两者之间有很大的不同。

9.Foods with high calories and a lot of fat is typically what you want to stay away from to keep in good shape and health.高热量和大量的脂肪食品,通常你要远离,以保持良好的状态和健康。

10.Most starts to shock from to a three young Lou, young Lou was the pure blue brick, on the brick crawls has filled the age trace.最开始的震撼来自于一栋三层的小楼,小楼是纯粹的青砖,砖上爬满了年代的痕迹。