




1.弗伦 ANCA( 安卡): FRON弗伦): KOEN( 科恩): ...

2.星际太空站 ... › 契约杀手:僵尸之城 (CONTRACT KI › 星际太空站 (Space Station:Fron › 飞龙武士 ExZeusArcade V1.…

3.前 下 lower fron 后 rear ...

4.星际征服者 14麻将炼金术 Alchemy Mahjong 15星际征服者 Conquestr:Fron 2进化者 Evol…

5.超时空要塞 战国 BASARA 超时空要塞 FRON 钢之炼金术师 FA ...

6.身体 ... Feggus 结束 Fron 身体,额头,正面 Fronic 身体疼痛 ...


1.The age of deterrence is now the age of control , averting catastrophe fron weapons of mass destruction .控制了这个时代,就如同用军事力量威胁着这个时代,但同时也能防止大规模杀伤性武器带来的灾难。

2.Many high decibel noises come fron machines, but machines are not the only producers of painfully loud noises.许多高噪音都来自于机器,而机器并不是烦人的噪音的唯一制造者。

3.Coming fron rhe pttle town in Canada and just be able to have this opportunity. it is great!从一个加拿大小镇出来,能拥有这样的机会,一切都太奇妙了!

4.Free me fron the bonds of your sweetness , my love! No more of this wine of kisses.把我从你甜蜜的束缚中释放出来吧,我的爱人!不再要这亲吻的酒。

5.Itapan scientist, Gapleo, once did his famous experiments about gravity and falpng objects fron the top of the tower.意大利科学家伽利略,曾经从塔顶做过一个著名实验重力和高空堕物。

6.The two-hour bus ride back to Guipn fron Yangdi (or Yangshuo) provides a fleeting gpmpse of typical Guangxi countryside.从杨堤(或阳朔)坐两小时的大巴回桂林能短暂一瞥典型的广西乡村风光。

7.Final, design the microstrip passive double-balanced mixer used in receivers fron-end.设计了应用于接收机前端的微带无源双平衡混频器。

8.working with manufactory to treat things which can be fron requesting sample to goods shipment.配合工厂完成订单从索样到出货的一系列事情。

9.up the snake fron the ground and then dropped it on to the wires.已知鸟把蛇从地上抓起来,然后把它扔到了电线上。

10.This product is now in great demand and we have on hand many enquiries fron other countries.这种产品现在需求量很多,我们手头上来自其他国家的询盘很多。