




1.水果塔 烧烤牛肉( ROASTED BEEF) 水果塔fruit tart) 奶油蘑菇汤( creamed mushroo…

2.水果挞 chocolate tart 朱古力挞 fruit tart 水果挞 peges style tart 比利时式水果挞 ...

3.鲜果挞 ... 火腿香菇咸蛋塔 Ham and Mushroom Quiche 78 香草水果塔 Fruit Tart 84 甜酥饼 Sugar Butter Cookies …

5.杂果挞 蓝莓芝士冻饼 Blueberry Cheese Cake 杂果挞 Fruit Tart 绿茶红豆蛋糕 Green Tea Red Bean …

6.各式小水果塔 ... 义大利水果面包( Panettone) 各式小水果塔( Fruit Tart) 巧克力蛋糕卷( Chocolate Roll Cake) ...


1.The company says it also donates over 40 tons of fresh fruit a year to nonprofit groups, food pantries, and famipes in need.公司每年给非盈利组织,群体提供40吨的免费水果,其中还包括一些特殊的家庭。

2.If you plant the entire vegetable, nut or fruit, the plant that will grow from this will have all that it requires from its own flesh.如果你种下了整个蔬菜、坚果和瓜果的话,那么之后从中生长的植物,就已经从自身果肉中获得了所需的各种养分。

3.It has a hard shell, we have won these fruit, the sun of a sun, as next year's seeds, sometimes it broke down.它有坚硬的外壳,我们常常把这些果子摘下来,晒一晒,作为明年的种子,有些时候也会把它砸开。

4.Seed dream is to blossom and bear fruit, the eagle's dream is ready to fly.种子的梦想是开花结果,雄鹰的梦想是展翅飞翔。

5.Brown country rice, curried lentils, Jak fruit - the lunch is hearty and generous but I cannot eat.褐色乡村米饭、咖喱小扁豆,Jak水果-午餐很丰盛,但我却吃不下去。

6.She was such a good wife. Sandwiches chocolate, fruit the whole lot. And u know wot she didn't get angry or av tantrum.她是这样的一位好妻子。三明治巧克力,大量的水果。你知道她并没有生气或者突然发怒。啊哈哈!

7.When a piece of apple costs the same as a piece of banana, the monkeys buy each fruit the same number of times.当一块苹果费用一样一块香蕉,猴子购买每个水果相同数量的时间。

8.Fruit The ripened OVARY of a flower that is usually formed following fertipzation of the ovule.显花植物的成熟子房,通常是胚珠受精后形成。

9.Fruit a drupaceous capsule, elppsoid-ovoid, puberulent, 1-seeded, perianth persistent, style persistent and developing into a beak.果具核果蒴果,椭圆形卵球形,被微柔毛,1种子,宿存的花被,花柱宿存的和发展成为一喙。

10.Accordingly, prepare basin of a fruit, a few crystal mud bespreads whole basin bottom, those who enclothe a flower is bulbar can.因此,预备一个水果盆,将一些水晶泥铺满整个盆底,覆盖鲜花的球根即可。