


网络释义:亚太自由贸易区(Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific);亚太自由贸易圈;亚太自贸区


1.亚太自由贸易区(Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific)济合作从“茂物宣言”到“贸易便利化行动计划”,从“亚太自由贸易区域”(FTAAP)到“跨太平洋经济合作伙伴”(TPP)进程,亚太区 …


1.If that fails, the FTAAP would be the next-best big-scope trade pberapsation option.如果多哈谈判失败,那么亚太自由贸易区可能是大范围贸易自由化的次佳选择。

2.APEC announced in 2006 that it would examine the long-term prospect of an FTAAP.亚太经合组织2006年宣布,将探讨亚太自由贸易区的长远前景。

3.Council of Ministers on how to achieve "the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Area" (FTAAP) concept of economic integration and negotiate.部长会议将就如何实现“亚洲太平洋自由贸易区”(FTAAP)的经济整合构想展开磋商。

4.They argue the FTAAP, were it somehow to surmount these difficulties magically, could invigorate the "virtually dead" Doha negotiations.它们认为,亚太自由贸易区如果用什么办法神奇地克服了上述困难,就可能激活“几乎已经死亡的”多哈回合贸易谈判。

5.It is optimistic, too, to suppose the US and China could manage their differences better in an FTAAP than bilaterally.认为与双边方式相比,美国和中国通过“亚太自由贸易区”能更好地处理它们之间的分歧,这也只是个乐观的想法。

6.By contrast, an FTAAP would embed these Asia-only arrangements in a broader Asia-Pacific framework.相比之下,“亚太自由贸易区”将会这些把仅限于亚洲的协议纳入范围更广的亚太框架内。

7.Achievement of an FTAAP would have huge positive effects on global output.创建“亚太自由贸易区”,可能对全球产出具有巨大的正面影响。