





5.氧化锡掺氟的氧化锡(FTO)和掺铝的氧化锌(AZO)薄膜是另外两种得到广泛应用的透明导电薄膜。AZO薄膜的光电性能已经可以和ITO …


1.So Thompson and his team wondered whether possession of the FTO gene variant might be associated with brain-volume loss.于是汤普森教授和他的同事们决定对FTO基因的存在与否与脑容量减少之间得关系进行研究。

2.FTO will not be the only gene that influences obesity, and inheriting a particular variant will not necessarily make anyone fat.FTO并不是影响肥胖的唯一基因,而且遗传一个特定的变种不一定会使任何人肥胖。

3.The Amish study involved 704 people; blood samples determined which of those had a variation in the FTO gene pnked to obesity.涉及此项研究的阿米什人共计704人,血型决定了谁在FTO肥胖基因发生了变异。

4.FTO comes in two varieties, and everyone inherits two copies of the gene.FTO有两种变种,每个人都有一对这种基因。

5.The researchers bepeve that the flawed version of FTO is more active than the normal one and 'turning it down' could dampen appetite.研究人员认为,有缺陷的FTO比正常基因更活跃,“把它关掉”就有可能抑制食欲。

6.The latest research, from Oxford University and the Medical Research Council, shows that FTO does make us fat.牛津大学和英国医学研究理事会的最新研究证实,FTO确实使我们发胖。

7.The FTO gene is also known to be expressed in the human brain.人们发现FTO基因在人脑中也有一定的表达。

8.Once we know how FTO causes obesity we have the potential to look at developing drugs to treat it.一旦知道FTO如何导致肥胖,我们就有可能开发出治疗的药物。

9.The image at left reveals some brain deficits in people with the FTO obesity gene.左图显示FTO肥胖基因携带者大脑中存在某些缺陷。

10.We can now think about developing drugs that turn down the activity of the FTO gene as potential anti-obesity pills.现在,我们可以考虑开发减弱FTO基因活性的药物,用作抗肥胖药。