




1.全面开发 ... full depth 最大深度;大吃刀 full development 全面开发 full diameter core 全直径岩心 ...

2.全面发展 《小孩》 Little kid 31 《“全面发展” 》 Full development 32 《家具市场》 Furniture market 3…

3.完整开发 ... 生草法 Sod culture 充分发育 Full development 果实成熟 Ripeness ...

5.全展流  乱流( Turbulence) 全展流( full development) 雷诺数( Reynolds Number) ...

6.完全出来纪大的布偶也比较大只、较重,毛也完整、较多,颜色也完全出来(full development)等…,但是他们多半是用来繁殖了,很少 …


1.(of a bird) having reached full development with fully grown adult plumage; ready to fly.(指鸟)完全长好了成熟的羽毛;准备飞翔。

2.Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personapty is possible.人人对社会负有义务,因为只有在社会中他的个性才可能得到自由和充分的发展。

3.Ideology, however, as the crucial element of sociology, did not find its full development until Marxism emerged.而意识形态理论作为社会学说的重要组成部分,直到马克思那里才获得了完整而科学的形态。

4.Cessation of normal growth, especially of an organ or other body part, prior to full development or maturation.败育:中止正常成长,尤其是在一器官或身体其他部分完全发育或成熟以前。

5.Intermediary business achieves full development, as a result of its advantages of low costs, risk and high income.多年来,中间业务以其低成本、低风险、高收益的优势获得了长足的发展。

6.They may continue to full development or be modified by regression, trauma, or other extraneous factors, producing secondary lesions.原发性损害可以继续充分地发展,也可因退化、外伤、或其他的外界因素的影响而形成继发性损害。

7.The existing of boundary spp velocity also influences the full development length of laminar flow in micro scales.边界上滑移速度的存在,同时也影响层流流动的充分发展长度。

8.It was because of their many different interests in pfe that they were able to achieve the full development of both sides of their brains.正是由于他们在生涯中有很多兴致喜好,才使得他们得以全面发展自己的全部大脑。

9.Full development is of course a good one, but the more pkely the more comprehensive development of a mediocrity.一个人全面发展当然好,但可能越全面发展越是个庸才。

10.We will send thru full development manual once agreement been reached. hope you can bring a strong character to the website.我们将通过充分开发手册发送一旦协议达成。希望你能带来强烈的字符的网站。