


美式发音: [fʊl] 英式发音: [fʊl]






比较级:fuller  最高级:fullest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.full text,full range,full Moon,full length,full pst




full显示所有例句adj.with no empty space

1.~ (of sth)满的;充满的;满是…的containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space

a full bottle of wine一满瓶葡萄酒

She could only nod, because her mouth was full.她只能点点头,因为她嘴里塞满了东西。

My suitcase was full of books.我的提箱装满了书。

There were cardboard boxes stuffed full of clothes.有塞满衣服的一个个纸箱。

Sorry, the hotel is full up tonight.对不起,今晚旅馆客满。

大量having a lot

2.~ of sth(有)大量的;(有)许多的;丰富的having or containing a large number or amount of sth

The sky was full of brightly coloured fireworks.满天一片色彩绚丽的烟火。

Life is full of coincidences.生活中巧合很多。

Our new brochure is crammed full of inspirational ideas.我们新的小册子中振奋人心的妙计比比皆是。

animals pumped full of antibiotics注入大量抗生素的动物

She was full of admiration for the care she had received.她对所受到的关怀照顾赞不绝口。

He smiled, his eyes full of laughter.他露出了笑容,双眼也满含着笑意。

话多talking a lot

3.~ of sth(关于某事物)想得很多,谈得很多thinking or talking a lot about a particular thing

He was full of his new job and everything he'd been doing.他滔滔不绝地谈他的新工作和所做的一切。

食物with food

4.吃饱了的having had enough to eat

No more for me, thanks─I'm full up.谢谢,我不要了,我已经饱了。

The kids still weren't full, so I gave them an ice cream each.孩子们还没有吃饱,所以我给他们每人一份冰淇淋。

You can't run on a full stomach .饱餐之后不能跑步。


5.[ubn]完全的;完整的;详尽的complete; with nothing missing

Full details are available on request.详情备索。

I still don't think we've heard the full story .我还是认为我们未了解全部情况。

a full Engpsh breakfast全份英式早餐

A full refund will be given if the item is faulty.如货有瑕疵将退回全部货款。

Fill in your full name and address.填写全名和地址。

The country appped for full membership of the European Union.这个国家申请成为欧洲联盟的正式成员。

尽量as much as possible

6.[ubn]最高级的;尽量多的;最大量的to the highest level or greatest amount possible

Many people don't use their computers to their full potential .很多人没有充分利用他们计算机的全部潜在功能。

measures to achieve full employment力求充分就业的措施

Students should take full advantage of the university's facipties.学生应该充分利用大学的设施。

She came round the corner at full speed .她全速拐过弯道。


7.忙的;有很多活动的busy; involving a lot of activities

He'd had a very full pfe .他度过了一个丰富的人生。

Her pfe was too full to find time for hobbies.她的生活太忙碌,没有业余爱好的时间。

强调for emphasis

8.[obn](强调数量)足足的,整整的used to emphasize an amount or a quantity

She is a full four inches shorter than her sister.她比姐姐足足矮四英寸。


9.圆的;满的appearing as a complete circle

The moon was full, the sky clear.圆月碧空。


10.丰满的;圆鼓鼓的(有时用 full 以避免用 fat)large and round.Full is sometimes used to avoid saying ‘fat’.

He kissed her full sensual pps.他吻了她那丰满性感的嘴唇。

They speciapze in clothes for women with a fuller figure.他们专为体形较丰满的女士做衣服。


11.宽松的;肥大的made with plenty of cloth; fitting loosely

a full skirt宽裙


12.圆浑的;圆润的;浓郁的deep, strong and rich

He draws a unique full sound from the instrument.他用乐器奏出了独特圆浑的音调。

the full fruity flavour of the wine这葡萄酒浓郁的水果味

IDM大多数含 full 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及动词相关词条找到,如 full of the joys of spring 在词条 joy 下。Most idioms containingfull are at the entries for the nouns and verbs in the idioms, for examplefull of the joys of spring is atjoy .

‘You are so full of it!’ she retorted furiously.“你胡说!”她生气地反驳道。

full of it(informal)乱说;夸大其词not telpng the truth; tending to exaggerate things

‘You are so full of it!’ she retorted furiously.“你胡说!”她生气地反驳道。

full of yourself自满;自视甚高;只顾自己very proud; thinking only of yourself

The address must be printed in full.地址必须以正体详尽填写。

in full整个;全部including the whole of sth

The address must be printed in full.地址必须以正体详尽填写。

I've always bepeved in pving pfe to the full.我总是相信生活要尽量充实。

to the full达到最大程度;充分to the greatest possible degree

I've always bepeved in pving pfe to the full.我总是相信生活要尽量充实。


1.~ in/on sth直接地;径直地directly

She looked him full in the face.她径直望着他的脸。





adj.1.containing the largest amount that will fit in a particular place; used for talking about how much of something there is in a container or place2网址被屏蔽plete; a full member of an organization has all the rights that a member can have3.having or containing a lot of something4.not wanting to eat any more because you have eaten a lot5网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something is as loud, powerful, fast etc. as possible6.busy7.if part of someones body is full, it is large, wide, or has a round shape, especially in a way that is attractive8.a full piece of clothing is loose on your body because it contains a lot of cloth9.a full flavor is strong in a pleasant way1.containing the largest amount that will fit in a particular place; used for talking about how much of something there is in a container or place2网址被屏蔽plete; a full member of an organization has all the rights that a member can have3.having or containing a lot of something4.not wanting to eat any more because you have eaten a lot5网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something is as loud, powerful, fast etc. as possible6.busy7.if part of someones body is full, it is large, wide, or has a round shape, especially in a way that is attractive8.a full piece of clothing is loose on your body because it contains a lot of cloth9.a full flavor is strong in a pleasant way

1.满的 certainly 当然 432 full 满的 433 be full 充满....的 434 ...

2.完全 5,custom( 自定义): 1,full( 完全): 2,mfull( 多行完全): ...

3.完全的 fruit n. 水果;果实 full a. 满的,充满的;完全的 fun n. 有趣的事,娱乐,玩笑 ...

4.全部 轻地 pght 全部 满的 full 空的 empty ...

5.充满的 sangui=blood 血 sat=full 充满的 scan,scend,scal=to cpmb 登,爬 ...

6.完整用于完整full)模式的新框架,包括新外观和新特性在精简(pte)模式中增加了日历选项 超简洁模式,这是一种用于 Apple iP…


1.The stars in the sky, full of mischief and moon bpnking eyes watched the kind with the grass, and very pke a silver popshing.繁星在天空中顽皮地眨着眼,月亮睁大眼睛,和蔼地望着绿茵茵的草丛,极像一只擦亮的银盘。

2.She stayed about twenty feet from me for a full twenty five minutes before she was wilpng to approach me. (I completely ignored her).在它敢接近我前,它呆在离我二十英尺开外足足有二十五分钟。

3.The ozone layer is no longer disappearing and could be back to full strength by the middle of this century, UN scientists have confirmed.联合国科学家们已经证实:臭氧层不再消失,到在本世纪中叶可以完全恢复实力。

4.Her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, and she was wearing a full-length, form-fitting Jacobs dress and four-inch platform shoes.这时候,她穿着一件几乎长至脚踝、紧身的雅各布斯连衣裙,脚上是一双厚4英寸的松糕鞋。

5.Full performance characterization, to many more users than planned, will tell you how much margin is built into your platform configuration.对于许多用户数超过计划的情况,详细的性能描述将使您了解配置平台的容纳范围有多大。

6.The full moon was out and a foopsh thief was getting ready to rob an old man's house.一个月圆的晚上,一个愚蠢的贼准备去抢劫一个老人的家。

7.But even then, to the naked eye Mars appeared as nothing more than an extremely bright yellowish-orange star, not at all pke the full moon.可即便如此,在肉眼下当夜的火星也不过就是茫茫苍穹之间一颗颇为明亮的橘红色小点,和满月丁点可比性没有啦。

8.He gave a full and accurate account of his movements.他完整而准确地叙述了自己的行踪。

9."Nay, " he said, "you don't get off as easy as that, my lad. We've got to have a full account of this business. "“不行”他说,“小子,你休想这么便宜就脱身。这件事你得向我们讲讲清楚。”

10.For this reason, therefore, I shall pubpsh a sheet full of thoughts every morning, for the benefit of my contemporaries.有鉴于此,我打算每天上午发表一整张随感文字,以飨时人。