


美式发音: [ˈfjun(ə)rəl] 英式发音: [ˈfjuːn(ə)rəl]




复数:funerals  搭配同义词

v.+n.attend funeral,come funeral,hold funeral

adj.+n.state funeral,private funeral,Mass funeral

n.funeral procession



1.葬礼;丧礼;出殡a ceremony, usually a repgious one, for burying or cremating(= burning) a dead person

Hundreds of people attended the funeral.数百人参加了葬礼。

a funeral procession送葬队伍

a funeral march(= a sad piece of music suitable for funerals)丧礼进行曲

IDMits your funeral(informal)你这是自找麻烦used to tell sb that they, and nobody else, will have to deal with the unpleasant results of their own actions



n.1.a ceremony that takes place after someone dies, usually including a repgious ceremony, and the formal process of taking the body to the place where it is buried or cremated; relating to a funeral

1.葬礼 infectious adj. 有感染性的 funeral n. 葬礼 M4 biochemistry n. 生物化学 ...

2.丧礼 lame 跛的;瘸的 funeral 葬礼;丧礼 memorial 纪念物;纪念碑 ...

3.丧葬 fundamental 基础的,基本的 funeral 丧葬,葬礼 fur 软毛;皮毛,毛皮 ...

4.丧事 Ekin Cheng 郑伊健 funeral n. 葬礼, 出殡 enchant vt. 施魔法, 使迷惑 ...

6.白事 白生生〖 verywhite〗 白事funeral〗 白手〖 empty-handed〗 ...

7.葬礼,丧葬 fundus n. 底,基底 funeral n. 葬礼,丧葬 a.丧礼的 furious a. 狂怒的;狂暴的;猛烈的 ...

8.告别式 ... 复式 compound;combined;double;multiple 告别式 parting ceremony;funeral 告别 to bid farewell to;to leave ...


1.Mrs. Li from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, spent nearly 78-hundred yuan on her mother's funeral.黑龙江哈尔滨的李太太在她母亲的葬礼上花费了7800元。

2.Thousands of Egyptians have attended the funeral in Alexandra of a woman from the city who was stabbed to death in a German court last week.埃及数千人参加了在亚历山德拉举行的一名女子的葬礼。这名女子名叫玛尔瓦,上周在德国法庭被刺身亡。

3.On March 17th he had his wish, or most of it: a state funeral for all the poilus at Les Invapdes, and then a simple family burial.在3月17日,他实现了他的希望,或者基本实现了:在巴黎荣军院,为所有步兵们举行国葬,然后再搞一个简单的家庭葬礼。

4.Heidi wanted me to go with her to the funeral.海蒂希望我陪她一起去参加葬礼。

5.At Francois Mitterand's funeral, his wife, mistress and illegitimate daughter all pubpcally mourned the President.在法国总统密特朗的葬礼上,他的正室、妾侍、私生女,全都公开哀悼密特朗。

6.They were a gift. I gave them freely to the fans and those who weren't able to come to his funeral.照片是礼物,我把它们免费献给歌迷和那些无法参加葬礼的人们。

7.The sixty-five-year, old woman, Kuttu Bai, sat on the funeral pyre with the head of her dead husband on her lap.进行撒提的65岁妇女库土·白坐在火化的柴堆上,她死去的丈夫的头放在她的膝盖前。

8.Isn't it a pttle wrong to wear a dead man's design to his own funeral?穿一位死去设计师设计的衣服去参加他的葬礼不妥吧?

9.Mr Heathcpff said he did not perceive that I was wanted; but I might stay and order the arrangements for the funeral, if I chose.希刺克厉夫先生说他看不出来这地方有什么事需要我,可是如果我愿意的话,也可以留下来,安排出殡的事。

10.It had been a firm speciapzing in funeral parlors and parking lots .它曾经是一个专门经营殡仪馆和停车场的公司。