




1.先知 Zeus: 宙斯 Furion法里奥 Nortrom: 诺崇 ...

3.玛法里奥感交集,“老师~~~”Nortrom低声呼唤着“弗利昂 (Furion) ,我伟大的老师,请您来开导我吧,我将何去何从,我将如何生存, …


1.Furion Stormrage: In the Dream, I felt our land being corrupted, just as if it were my own body. You were right to awaken me.玛法里奥。怒风:在梦境中,我察觉到了这片土地正在腐化,它就如同我的身体一样。你将我唤醒是非常正确的。

2.Furion Stormrage: Agreed. Just be careful. There is no telpng how the druids of the claw will react to us after all this time.玛法里奥。怒风:我同意。但要小心。谁也无法保证利爪德鲁伊对我们的召唤会如何反应。

3.Furion Stormrage: The horn's call might work, but it would reach only a few of them in this part of the cavern.玛法里奥。怒风:号角的召唤或许起作用了,但在这个巨大的洞穴里只有少部分利爪德鲁伊听得到召唤。

4.Furion Stormrage: No doubt Archimonde will make his way to Hyjal Summit and attack the Would Tree.玛法里奥。怒风:毫无疑问阿克蒙德会向海加尔山开进,然后攻取世界之树。

5.Furion Stormrage: Ilpdan! You were sentenced to pay for your sins, nothing more!玛法里奥。怒风:伊利丹!你只不过是被判刑,为自己的罪孽付出代价!

6.Furion Stormrage: If you endless vigil has hardened you, my love, it must be part of your goddess' plan.玛法里奥。怒风:如果无尽的不眠不休让你变得坚毅,亲爱的,那一定是女神的安排。

7.Furion Stormrage: Ah. . . the druids of the claw are awake already! Come, my brothers! We have much to do!玛法里奥。怒风:啊…利爪德鲁伊已经苏醒了!来吧,我的弟兄们!我们有很多活要干!

8.Furion Stormrage: Come forth, you defenders of old! Crush these invaders as you did in ages past!玛法里奥。怒风:来吧,远古的守护者们!碾碎这些入侵者,如同几个世纪前你们所做的那样!

9.Tyrande Whisperwind: Long ago, I swore to protect this land, Furion. I never had the luxury of sleeping through times of great peril.泰兰德•风语者:很久以前,我就立誓要保卫这片土地,玛法里奥。我可没有闲工夫在巨大的危机时酣睡。

10.Furion Stormrage: Come forth, druids of the talon! Let the storm crows fly once again upon the winds of war!玛法里奥。怒风:苏醒吧,猛禽德鲁伊们!让暴风般的啼鸣再次响彻在战争风云之中。