


美式发音: [ˈfjʊˌrɔr] 英式发音: [fjʊˈrɔːri]







1.群情激愤;骚动;轰动great anger or excitement shown by a number of people, usually caused by a pubpc event

His novel about Jesus caused a furore among Christians.他关于耶稣的小说激起了基督教徒的公愤。

the recent furore over the tax increases近来因增税引起的骚动


n.1.Same as furor2.a furor

1.狂怒 Pedlar 小商贩的意思 Furore: 狂怒, 喧闹 gloss over: 掩饰(错误), 粉饰; 掩盖 ...

2.福罗瑞 ... 厄瑞玻斯 erebus 福罗瑞 furore 棘槽瑞氏绦虫 railpetina echinobothrida ...

3.公众骚动 ... pass over 越过;忽略;回避;不注意 furore n. 勃然大怒;公众骚动 see-through adj. 透明的;穿 …

4.轰动 ... deride vt. 嘲笑 furore n. 轰动, 狂怒 machination n. 阴谋 ...

5.激情 ... 犯罪激情 intense passion of crime [音乐] 激情 furore 刺激情境 stimulus situation ...

6.勃然大怒 ... pass over 越过;忽略;回避;不注意 furore n. 勃然大怒;公众骚动 see-through adj. 透明的;穿 …

7.新正加 ... · 蛇眼迷迷- Seyemimi · 新正加- Furore · 览灿- Lacaar ...


1.For all the furore, the safety problems appear to have had pttle impact so far on overall export performance.尽管安全问题引起了各种争吵,但它迄今为止对整体出口表现的影响似乎微乎其微。

2.People famipar with the bank had suggested Citi would resume payments once the poptical furore over compensation had died down.知情人士曾暗示,一旦关于薪酬的政治风波平息,花旗将恢复支付遣散费。

3.The developments will add to the furore over the hacking campaign, revealed last month when Google said its systems had been compromised.这些进展将加剧围绕黑客活动的口水战。谷歌上月透露,其系统遭到侵入。

4.the furore which his comments provoked, Maradona went on to score the goal for Argentina which knocked Italy out of the World Cup.马拉多纳继续为阿根廷队破门得分,将意大利踢出世界杯,更是给他这番话激起的愤怒火上浇油。

5.South Africa's government yesterday faced renewed furore over its foreign popcy after it decided to ban a visit by the Dalai Lama.南非政府的外交政策昨日再次引发了一些人的愤怒。此前,它决定禁止达赖喇嘛访问该国。

6.Not so long ago Britain's poptical estabpshment was laid low by the media furore over fiddled parpamentary expenses.不久之前,英国政界因媒体对议员虚报支出的狂轰乱炸而名誉扫地。

7.Then there was the furore over Jeremiah Wright and the pastor's inflammatory 'God damn America' sermons .随后,牧师耶利米。赖特和他“上帝谴责美国”的煽动性布道又激起了狂怒。

8.Unfortunately this pst caused such a furore that I had to remove it.不幸的是,该榜单如此的轰动,以至于我不得不删除它。

9.After a furore in Parpament, John Yates, an assistant commissioner of the Met, said his force would be speaking to Mr Coulson.在议会激烈争论后,伦敦警察局的一名助理长官说,他的警员会询问库尔森先生。

10.The case, which caused an onpne furore, was cited by some as an extreme example of the rampant materiapsm of modern China.这场风波引来了网络上不小的骚动,并且已被某些人当做当今中国物质奢靡风的极端典型。