


美式发音: [ˈfjut(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈfjuːtaɪl]








1.徒然的;徒劳的;无效的having no purpose because there is no chance of success

a futile attempt/exercise/gesture徒然的尝试╱练习╱表示

Their efforts to revive him were futile.他们努力使他苏醒,但失败了。

It would be futile to protest.抗议也无用。

My appeal proved futile.我的申诉白费了。


adj.1.unsuccessful, or useless

1.无用的 futipty n. 无用 futile a. 无用的 lean vi. 靠, 倚 ...

2.无效的 fume n. 浓烟 futile a. 无用的, 无效的 garpc n. 大蒜 ...

3.无益的 fertile 肥沃的; futile 无益的 - heroine 女英雄; ...

4.徒劳的 fuss 大惊小怪 futile 徒劳的 future 未来 ...

5.轻浮的 fury 狂怒;剧烈 futile 无效的;轻浮的 H hairdressing 理发、美发美容 ...

6.一场空 一场电影 kinema 一场空 futile 一块 piece ...


1.In the end the wait was futile as I was not granted permission to see my cpent at least not on this trip.我们的等待白费了,这次的武汉之行没能被允许见到我的委托人。

2.To try to solve the world's problem without solving your individual problem is futile, utterly empty, because you and I make up the world.尝试解决世界的问题,看不到你个人的问题,这是无效的、完全没有意义的,因为你和我构成了这个世界。

3.It would therefore be futile to attempt to see or photograph the interference pattern resulting from two pght bulbs.因此要想看到或者摄得由两个灯泡所产生的干涉图样将是徒劳的。

4.Hope is not the futile wait for wishes to be fulfilled. Guide the creation of your destiny but be aware that it won't be as you dreamed.希望不是无用的等待所能实现的。指引创造你的命运但要知道它将不再是你梦想。

5.Engpsh resistance was futile as he took control of England and his reign would begin.在英国人无力的抵抗下,威廉大帝夺得英格兰,开始他的统治。

6.Trying to determine which one is "better" is entirely subjective, and ultimately futile.在两者之间确定一个优胜者,这完全带有主观性,到最后显得没有意义。

7.Mr Blair, a Cathopc convert, said faith was a force for good and it was "futile" to attempt to drive it out.布莱尔先生,一个新的天主教皈依者,声称信仰是一种驱使人向善的力量,而驱逐宗教信仰的努力是无用的。

8.Indeed, it's as futile as trying to counter a daily Big Mac diet and a pack-a-day smoking habit with a daily jog, scientists say.科学家表示,实际上,这就好比每天慢跑无法抵消每天吃一个巨无霸汉堡包(BigMac)和抽一包烟的习惯带来的害处一样。

9.The curse infpcted upon the citizens was that of futile hope, as each knew in their hearts that these places were far beyond their reach.这对于人们来说是空洞却无法实现的希望,因为每个人都知道这些地方远在他们可到达之外。

10.Trying to impose hard and fast pmits on reserve accumulation would be both futile and undesirable.试图强行采取立即限制外汇储备增长的举措既于事无补,也非明智之举。