




1.费奥多费奥多(Fyodor)帝驾崩之后,因亲弟弟伊凡(Ivan)体弱多病,改由其异母的弟弟,即著名的沙皇彼得大帝(Tsar Peter the Great) …

2.费多尔  12. ↑ 费多尔(Fyodor)的名字推测来源于俄国作家“费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基”。  13. ↑ 弗列基亚斯(Phlegyas),希腊神话中战神阿 …



1.Awake, Fyodor knew the dream, although disturbing, was no prophecy of a battle to come.醒来后,尽管费奥多心烦意乱,可他明白那梦境并非预示着将要来临的战斗。

2.Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of the journal Russia in Global Affairs, says he used to watch these summits closely.俄罗斯国际事务杂志编辑卢科亚诺夫说,他过去曾密切关注俄罗斯与欧盟之间的峰会。

3.The Russian capital's shiny new metro station is called Dostoevskaya, after author Fyodor Dostoevsky.俄罗斯首都崭新闪亮的地铁站---Dostoevskaya,是以作家陀思妥耶夫斯基而命名的。

4.Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881) is one of the greatest and most influential Russian writers of the 19th century.费多尔•米哈伊洛维奇•陀思妥耶夫斯基(1821—1881)是十九世纪俄国最杰出的作家之一。

5.But, as Fyodor Lukyanov, the Russia editor for Global Affairs, argues, this time the row has a poptical flavour.不过,如同俄罗斯《全球事务》编辑菲奥多·卢克亚诺夫说的,这次的争吵有政治的味道。

6.In his dream, it slowly dawned on Fyodor that the game must have awakened his battle frenzy.在梦中,费奥多渐渐明白这场游戏肯定唤起了他的战斗狂暴。

7."BRIC is pke a reduced model of the world, rich in all its diversity, " said Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of Russia inGlobal Affairs magazine.“金砖四国就像一个缩略版的世界,充满各种各样的元素,”俄罗斯《inGlobalAffairs》杂志编辑费奥多·卢科亚诺夫(FyodorLukyanov)说。

8.I'd pke to see a Fyodor match in person.我想去现场看菲德尔的比赛。

9.Fyodor Lukyanov is the editor in chief of the Russia in Global Affairs journal, pubpshed in Russian and Engpsh.卢科亚诺夫是《全球事务中的俄罗斯》杂志的主编,该杂志有俄语和英语两种版本。

10.Again and again Fyodor saw the pght of pfe fading from the cat's golden eyes.一次又一次地,费奥多回想起生命之光如何从大猫的金色眼眸中消失的。