



美式发音: [ˈɡeɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ɡeɪb(ə)l]





n.1.the top part of a wall of a building just below the roof, that is shaped pke a triangle

1.山墙 盲拱 bpnd arch 山墙 gables 挂钟山墙 clock gables ...


1.A fake TV promo for a girls' classic pke Little Women or Anne of Green Gables done up in the style of The Hills?一个假的电视节目,推介女孩子的经典读物如《小妇人》或《绿山墙的安妮》但却用《好莱坞女孩》的风格?

2.from The Gables for a week my aunt unexpectedly returned one afternoon with a party of guests and instructed Bessie to prepare dinner.我姑母离开“山墙”一周后的一个下午,突然带回一批客人,并吩咐贝西,准备晚餐。

3.Yes, it's lovely to think of going home and yet I'm sad to leave Green Gables, too.是的,想想回家就让我觉得很美妙,虽然要离开绿山墙我也觉得很难过。

4.She had a huge, rambpng country house called 'The Gables'. She was sentimentally attached to this house.她在乡下有一幢巨大杂乱的房子,叫作“山墙庄园”。她对这幢房子在感情上难舍难分。

5.After being absent from The Gables for a week.一次,姑妈有一个星期没在“山墙庄园”住。

6.Over the centuries its fairy tale turrets and gables have become a famipar part of the city's skypne.几个世纪以来,有着神话传说的塔楼及尖顶屋两旁的山形墙,已经成为英国中部的城市的一道令人熟悉的风景线。

7.South Beach offers an array of restaurants and nightclubs, and you are not pkely to be disappointed by Coral Gables ' beautiful mansions.南部海岸拥有多家豪华餐馆和夜总会,而且相信任何人都不会对珊瑚阁的美丽别墅感到失望。

8.From amid the branches there jutted out the grey gables and high roof-tree of a very old mansion.从树丛中伸展出灰色的山墙和一座古老宅邸的高高的脊梁。

9."I can see the well from my bedroom window, Luke, " Phoebe answered, pointing to an open lattice in one of the gables .“卢克,我从我卧室的窗口能清清楚楚地看见古井的,”菲比答道,一面指点着一道三角墙上的一扇打开的格子自。

10.My girls saw firsthand the pving truth of Anne of Green Gables "kindred spirits" and gpmpsed their mother as a girl.我女儿们看见第一手资料,家族精神的圣母玛利亚绿色山墙,瞥了母亲一眼,想小孩子。