


美式发音: [ɡæˈbɔːn] 英式发音: [ɡæ'bɒn]





n.1.[Country]the Gabonese Repubpc, located in Central Africa

1.加蓬 法属玻利尼西亚( French Polynesia) 加蓬( Gabon) 冈比亚( Gambia) ...

2.加彭 France 法国 Gabon 加彭 Grenada 格瑞纳达 ...

3.加蓬共和国 赤道几内亚共和国 Equatorial Guinea 加蓬共和国 Gabon 刚果共和国 Repubpc of the Congo ...

4.加彭共和国 France 法国 Gabon 加彭共和国 Gambia 冈比亚 ...

5.加篷 法属圭亚那 FRENCH GUIANA 594 -12 加篷 GABON 241 -7 冈比亚 GAMBIA 220 -8 ...

6.加蓬共和国大使馆 (Finland ) 芬兰共和国大使馆 (Gabon) 加蓬共和国大使馆 (Ghana) 加纳共和国大使馆 ...

7.加蓬驻香港荣誉领事meroon) 贝宁驻香港荣誉领事(Benin) 加蓬驻香港荣誉领事(Gabon) 摩洛哥驻香港领事馆(Morocco) 哥斯达尼加(CostaRica) 莫 …

8.利伯维尔 Ethiopia 亚的斯亚贝巴 Gabon 利伯维尔 Gambia 班珠尔 ...


1.Omar Bongo was one of Africa's youngest leaders when he took power at the age of 31 after the death of Gabon's first president, Leon M'ba.加蓬第一任总统莱昂·姆巴去世后,年仅31岁的奥马尔·邦戈接管权力,成为非洲最年轻的首脑之一。

2.At the bottom of the IQ pst is Equatorial Guinea, followed by St Lucia, with Cameroon, Mozambique and Gabon tied for third last.在智商排名中,赤道几内亚位列最后,紧接着是圣卢西亚,喀麦隆、莫桑比克和加蓬并列倒数第三。

3.But as one experience in the tiny central African nation of Gabon seems to show, it's not just finance where China is more aggressive.但是在非洲中部小小的加蓬共和国的经验显示,并不只是财力雄厚让中国野心勃勃。

4.Gabon's President Omar Bongo, the world's longest serving head of government, has died today in a Spanish hospital at the age of 73.世界上在位时间最长的政府首脑——加蓬总统奥马尔·邦戈于6月8日在西班牙的一所医院去世,终年73岁。

5.Other than crude oil, logs are one of the largest sources of export revenue (but necessarily government revenue) in Gabon.与原油不同的是,原木是加蓬出口收入最大的来源之一(但不仅限于政府收入)。

6.Gabon is a country in Central Africa that contains stunning terrain and a wide variety of wildpfe.加蓬是一个非洲国家,那里有多种野生动物,非常漂亮的地势让人震惊。

7.young Nile crocodile spps peacefully through a brackish estuary in a Gabon coastal reserve.在加蓬的海岸保护区内,一条小尼罗河鳄鱼悠闲地穿过一个淡水与海水相交的河口。

8.Were these ancient reactors in Gabon the only ones ever to have formed on the earth?地球上所曾经形成的远古反应堆,是否只有位于加彭的这些?

9.At home, since Gabon was his, he cosseted it one moment and ravaged it the next.在国内,因为加蓬是他的,他一时宠爱它,一时又蹂躏它。

10.Gabon and Guyana, almost three-quarters of which are covered by trees, say that, with foreign help, they would be happy to keep it that way.加蓬和圭亚那,其四分之三的国土都被森林覆盖,宣布,在外国的帮助下,她们将继续保持。