


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɡɑ:bri:'el]





1.盖比瑞拉 ... Not a want,but a need 不是需要而是必须 Gabriella:Soarin’ 盖比瑞拉:遨游 Troy:Flyin’ 特洛伊:飞翔 ...

2.嘉比瑞拉 Victoria 维多利亚 Gabriella 嘉比瑞拉 Miranda 米兰达 ...

3.加布里埃拉 Zeke 柴克 凯碧GABRIELLA 特洛伊 : TROY ...


6.凯碧瑞拉 ... Can I have this dance 跳好这支舞 [Gabriella][ 凯碧瑞拉] [Troy, Gabriella][ 特洛伊,凯碧瑞拉 ] ...

7.盖比艾拉 FRANKLIN 弗兰克林酒店 GABRIELLA 加布里拉酒店 GALLIA 街廊酒店 ...


1.Ryan: What? If he sings with Gabriella then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show. "啥?他要跟凯碧一起唱,我们的表演就会变成“特洛伊跟凯碧的表演”了。

2.Gabriella: Just church choir is all. I tried to solo and nearly fainted.只是教堂唱诗班唱唱而已。尝试过一次独唱差点昏过去。

3.Gabriella: No, no, no, I was just looking at all the bulletin boards. Lots going on at this school, Wow. Nice penmanship.不是不是,我只是到处看看公告栏而已。学校活动真多啊,哇哦。字写得不错。

4.She sneezes off the stage, and Troy and Gabriella come back from Stanford in time for the musical to finish Just Wanna Be With You.Troy和Gabirella从斯坦福大学及时赶了回来,完成了《只想和你在一起》的表演。

5.This song was planed to be the last song in the Play! It is mostly sung by Gabriella but there are parts where The whole cast Join In!按计划应该是舞台表演的最后一直曲目,大部分由Gabriella来演唱,不过有几个部分是所有人都一起合的。

6.Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez met over winter break after they were forced to sing together at a party.特洛伊博尔顿和嘉比瑞拉在寒假记得后见面,他们被迫一起唱歌是在一个聚会上。

7.Gabriella: Congratulations, Wildcat!恭喜你们,野猫队!

8.Troy: You're not gonna hear me sing, guys. Because Gabriella won't even talk to me. . . and I don't know why.你们听不见了,伙计们。嘉比瑞拉都不愿意跟我说话……而我还不知道为什么。

9.I made a mistake, Miss Montez, and I would really pke to let Gabriella know that.我犯了错误,蒙兹小姐我现在真的想要盖比瑞拉知道这些

10.As Gabriella and solo section lyrical songs on the last few people not particularly impressed.作为单独一节加布里埃拉和抒情的歌曲,最后几个人也不是特别深刻的印象。