





6.高达美诚如美学家高达美(Gadamer)言: 「表象(representation)与其表现的“世界”之关系是如 何产生的?艺术显然在“表像”出某物,显 …


1.German philosopher Gadamer's known by his philosophical hermeneutics of ideology.德国哲学家伽达默尔以其哲学阐释学的思想体系著称。

2.Also, Schiller does not lay much stress on the active role of the audience, but Gadamer emphasizes its important position.席勒并不重视游戏观赏者的积极作用,而伽达默尔却把观赏者提到了一个重要的位置。

3.At last introduce briefly the significance of Gadamer's Play points to the build of his Art Ontology.最后简单介绍伽达默尔的游戏观对他的艺术作品本体论的建立的意义。

4.Gadamer has proposed three principles of comprehension which contains historicity, fusion of horizons and effective history.伽达默尔提出了“理解的历史性、视界融合和效果历史”等原则。

5.Like Saussure and Wittgenstein, Gadamer argues that there is no thought prior to language.同索绪尔和维特根斯坦一样,伽达默尔也认为语言之前无所谓思想。

6.Gadamer thought that the interpretation is effective when it is guided by the effective historical consciousness.伽达默尔认为解释只有在效果历史意识的指导下进行才是有效的。

7.In the thesis, she intends to explore the Engpsh translation of this Chinese classic from the perspective of Gadamer's hermeneutics.在本文中,她试图从哲学阐释学的视角对这一部中国典籍的英译进行比较研究。

8.The second chapter analyses the main features of game in the existence theory of Gadamer.文本的第二章重点阐明了伽达默尔存在论游戏概念的主要特征。

9.In the West, "the ontology of language" of Heidegger and Gadamer expounds it thoughtfully .在西方,海德格尔、加达默尔的语言本体论对此问题作出高度思辨性的解说。

10.Truth and Method written by German contemporary philosopher Gadamer came on the scene in 1960.1960年,当代德国哲学家伽达默尔的《真理与方法》问世了。