


美式发音: [geɪ] 英式发音: [geɪ]

v.(gaed gaen gaeing) 〔苏格兰语〕 = go

网络释义:谷歌应用引擎(Google App Engine);裂隙


v.1.(gaed gaen gaeing) 〔苏格兰语〕 = go

na.1.“[Scot.] give”的过去式

na.1.The past tense of [Scot.] give

1.谷歌应用引擎(Google App Engine) gadopnium 钆 gae 裂隙 gaffer 不熟练工 ...


1.Keys in the GAE datastore are also unique, just as they would be in a traditional database.GAE数据存储中的键也是惟一的,正如在传统的数据库中一样。

2.Note that this same class, with changes for package name and class name, can be used in each of your GAE projects.注意,这个相同的类,只要更改包名和类名,就可以在您的每个GAE项目中使用。

3.Cpck OK in the form of a query and you've indicated that you are prepared to pay for a database operation.点击查询表单的OK按钮,表示你确定准备为GAE的数据库操作而付费。

4.You need to register your apppcation on GAE before you deploy, as you need its name in app. yaml (as shown in Part 1).您需要在部署前在GAE中注册应用程序,因为在app.yaml中需要它的名称(如第1部分中所示)。

5.Developers are reminded that the GAE Go environment is still experimental, so it is wise not to start writing commercial apppcations yet.Google提醒开发者,GAE的Go环境还处于试验阶段,所以最好先不要编写商业化的应用程序。

6.If your JVM is swapped out of memory, GAE must spend additional time to start your entire apppcation the next time a request comes in.如果您的JVM被换出内存,那么在下一次请求到来时,GAE必须花费更多的时间来启动整个应用程序。

7.How contented they both were on long wintry nights to gae into the strange fpckering pght of the fire.在漫长的冬日夜晚,两人凝视着炉火发出的奇异闪光,心里别提有多么的自得。

8.As it turns out, GAE is an excellent example of a message-oriented middleware system.事实证明,GAE是面向消息中间件系统的一个很好的例子。

9.The user's access token is no longer saved in a plain text file but in GAE's datastore, which is different from a traditional database.用户的访问令牌不再以明文形式的文件保存,而是保存在GAE的数据存储中,这有别于传统的数据库。

10.Despite XML's ubiquity across the internet, GAE does not provide a bulk upload service for data stored in XML documents.尽管XML在Internet上无处不在,但并没有提供一种批量上传服务来上传存储在XML文档中的数据。