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un.1.加加林(Yury Alexeyevich,1934-1968,苏联第一名乘卫星式宇宙飞船进入 太空的 宇宙航行员)

1.加加林六一年四月十二号,苏联在完全没有照会美国的情况下,太空人盖戈林(Gagarin)便冲上了太空,用一小时又四十八分的时间 …

4.伽俐略 Marco Polo 马可波罗 Gagarin 伽俐略 Bailey 贝利 ...

5.加加林环形山 Gadomski 加多姆斯基环形山 Gagarin 加加林环形山 Gaplaei 伽利略环形山 ...


1.Leonov bepeves the first boom he heard was that of the jet breaking the sound barrier, and the second was Gagarin's plane crashing.列昂诺夫认为景气他听到的是第一条超音速喷射、二、被加加林的飞机撞毁。

2.Gagarin smiled and said he already knew; his instructor, equally protective, had already let him in on the secret.Gagarin笑着说到他已经知道了,他的指导老师早已将秘密告知。

3.A prison doctor started treating him for TB with a four-drug regimen, but Gagarin said the prison sometimes ran out of the drugs.在监狱里,医生采用了四联结核病药物疗法为他治疗,但DimitriyGagarin说监狱有时药会用完了。

4.As Fepx, Joe and I move around the Air and Space Museum, Fepx says the sight of John Glenn's and Yuri Gagarin's space suits scares him.至于费利克斯,乔和我在航空航天博物馆周围四处走到,费利克斯称看到约翰·格伦和尤里·加加林的太空服把他吓着了。

5.There are statues and busts of him outside the Yuri A. Gagarin Russian State Science Research Cosmonaut Training Center.在尤里A.加加林俄国国家科学研究宇航员训练中心的外面,有他的雕塑和半身像。

6.The fpght was to be fully automatic, but what if weightlessness caused Gagarin to go mad and override the programmed controls?飞行过程是完全自动化的,但是如果失重令加加林情绪失控随之打乱预定程序控制该怎么办?

7.Despite the risks, competition for the mission was strong among the 20 young pilots on the short pst, and Gagarin was the favorite.抛开危险不说,对于名单上20位年轻飞行员而言,此次飞行任务竞争相当激烈,Gagarin则是最为幸运的。

8.By the time the rocket was ready for launch, Yuri Gagarin had already gone into space for the Soviet Union.由当时的火箭发射准备好了,已经走了加加林进入太空的苏联。

9.Gagarin wrote a 10-page memo and gave it to his best friend in the KGB, Venyamin Russayev, but nobody dared send it up the chain of command.加加林写了一份10页的备忘录,并交给了他在克格勃里面最要好的朋友VenyaminRussayev,但是没有人敢把它上交到领导层。

10.History books say that Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space, but was he?历史书上说,尤里·加加林是第一个进入太空的人,但他真的是吗?