




1.盖拉德 1、 Gahan 加恩 2、Gaillard 盖拉德 3、Wisteria 紫藤 ...

2.盖亚尔水压站,将赛纳河中之水,升起一百三十三公尺高,到达盖劳德Gaillard)城,有他这样背景之人,变成与气球飞行──当时 …

4.法国 ... helsinki, 芬兰 GAILLARD, 法国 ATHENS, 希腊 ...

5.加亚尔 ... 加恩 J. Kahn 加亚尔 J. Gaillard 加洛尼 Galloni ...

6.方殿华,我们是冠军,不就该让我们参加吗?」但欧足联发言人贾拉德(Gaillard)却泼了桶冷水说:「我同情利物浦,我也希望他们 …


1."I understand Rio's frustration because racism is a very ugly phenomenon and I feel we need to stamp it out, " Gaillard told Sky Sports.“我理解里奥的伤心,因为种族主义是个丑恶的现象,并且我觉得我们需要把它踢出足球,”加拉德告诉天空体育。

2."Mr. Gaillard, hello, " I said, trying to conceal my excitement.我说著,试图隐藏我的兴奋。

3.Gaillard, who started the Ethical Coffee Company three years ago to grab a piece of a market he knows inside out.凯纳德三年前创办了Ethical咖啡公司,以此争取他已经烂熟的咖啡市场。

4.gaillard added that uefa would only investigate incidents that occurred within the stadium .盖拉德补充道欧足联将只会调查发生在球场之内的事情。

5."After such exceptional years it is natural that things come down a bit, " said Gaillard.盖拉德说:“经历了那段非凡的年月之后,香槟销量有所减少,这是很自然的事。”

6.UEFA spokesman Wilpam Gaillard said: "We haven't yet opened an investigation but have started an information-gathering process. "欧足联发言人威廉盖拉德说:“我们尚未展开调查,但以开始了信息收集程序。”

7."The problem is the ownership of the stadiums, " said Uefa's director of communications, Wilpam Gaillard .“问题是球场的所有权,”欧足联的联络官威廉。加拉德说。

8.It takes Mr Gaillard just seconds to remove a drive; even novice Babbage does not take that much longer.盖尔德只需要只秒的时间就可以卸下一个硬盘;即使是巴贝奇这样的新手也花不了多长时间。

9.Gaillard notes all vote down the taste of rival pods, often using strikingly similar language.不过凯纳德指出,这些博客文章谈及对手咖啡味道时用的语言惊人一致。

10.Gaillard insists Uefa has been "relentless" in its attempts to rid football of racism.加拉德坚持欧洲足联已经在阻止足球中的种族主义中的努力中已经很“冷酷”了。