


美式发音: [ˈɡeɪnfəl] 英式发音: [ˈɡeɪnf(ə)l]








1.有收益的;有报酬的;有利可图的used to describe useful work that you are paid for

gainful employment有酬的工作


adj.1.providing money or profit

1.有利益的 ... gainer 得利者 gainful 有利益的 gainfully 有利益地 ...

2.有报酬的 gabble vt. 急促而不清楚地说出 gainful adj. 有利的,有报酬的 gainsay v. 否认,反驳 ...

3.唯利是图的 ... futurologist n. 未来学家 gainful a. 有利益的,唯利是图的 generapzation n. 一般化,普遍化,概括,广义性 ...

4.有利可图的 assertive adj. 果断的, 断言的 gainful adj. 有利可图的 disaffected adj. (政治上)不满的, 叛离的 ...

5.有利的 gabble vt. 急促而不清楚地说出 gainful adj. 有利的,有报酬的 gainsay v. 否认,反驳 ...

6.有收益的 ... gains n. 收获;利润 gainful a. 有收益的;唯利是图的 gait n. 步态;(走、跑、生产等的)速度 ...

7.发音播放 economic 发音播放 gainful 发音播放 at a profit 有利可图;赚钱;获利 ...


1.Always maintain a positive attitude by visuapzing the gainful end result of your work for your customer, company and yourself.能看到工作给顾客、公司以及自己带来的收获,让自己保持一种积极的态度。

2.Since he had "no gainful employment, " Qiu Xinghua is usually the suspect whenever some incident takes place locally.由于被认为“不务正业”,当地每每发生案件,邱兴华总是容易成为怀疑对象。

3.But I will, "Chi Heng Fund" mainly work for the bank, only to find a gainful occupation, the cause of the balance of my volunteers.但我还是会以“智行基金”的工作为主,至于银行工作,只是为了找到一份有收入的职业,平衡我的义工事业。

4.The US woefully under-invests in education outlays for the poor, who drop out of school and then cannot find gainful employment.美国在贫困人群教育支出方面的投资不足令人心痛,穷人在失学后就不能找到报酬较高的工作。

5.For the countries with a young population, the immediate challenge is to create a dynamic economy that brings hope of gainful employment.对那些年轻人占人口多数的国家来说,迫在眉睫的挑战在于,要创造一个充满活力的经济,让年轻人有望拥有收入丰厚的工作。

6.5 his conviction for drug deapng made a mockery of claims that he was trying to find gainful employment.他的毒品交易罪使得他尝试去找有价值的报酬的的要求变得毫无价值。

7.In rich countries, workfare is meant to stop people pving off the state rather than finding gainful employment.在发达国家,工作福利意味着帮助人们脱离对国家的依赖,而不是阻止人们自己去赚钱。

8.To receive federal aid, career colleges must prepare students for what the law calls "gainful employment" in a recognized occupation.为了收到联邦救助,职业学院必须使学生做好准备,能够在一个公认的行业得到“有利可图的职业”。

9.But unpke you, she has no expectation that her degree will lead to gainful employment.不过她不像你,她并没有期待自己的学历能换来有利可图的就业前景。

10.The migration continues today, as the younger "guest people" travel to far-flung locales seeking gainful employment.“迁移”今天仍在继续,因为小一辈的“客家人”要跑到大老远的地方打工赚钱。